nvbn / django-bower

Easy way to use bower with your django project
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Django 1.7.4 and Unknown command: 'bower' #34

Open murdav opened 9 years ago

murdav commented 9 years ago

Dear All,

I followed the installation notes, but when I launch ./manage.py bower install python manage.py bower install I got Unknown command: 'bower'

Ideas? Thanks,

zcho commented 9 years ago

Looks like, was not installed the original Bower in the system. Look at http://bower.io/#install-bower

murdav commented 9 years ago

If I do a bower list within my virtualenv+virtualenvwrapper everything works, when I launch python manage.py bower install jquery within my virtualenv I got the Unknown command: 'bower'.

Visgean commented 9 years ago

I can confirm the error. ./manage.py bower_install solves the problem...

nvbn commented 9 years ago

In what os it happens?

Visgean commented 9 years ago

Latest ubuntu, I use Django 1.8b2 so that might be issue too.

fjsj commented 9 years ago

I get a similar error: manage.py bower: error: unrecognized arguments: install
On Django 1.8, Mac OS X 10.10.2 (Yosemite)

malgorath commented 9 years ago

the bower_install does in fact circumvent this issue.

sauliuni commented 8 years ago

Having same problem with Django 1.9.6 on OSX 10.11

(explorer)account:app me$ python manage.py bower
Unknown command: 'bower'
Type 'manage.py help' for usage.