nvbn / django-bower

Easy way to use bower with your django project
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Error in bower_install #9

Closed prasadmc closed 10 years ago

prasadmc commented 10 years ago

Hi, I am trying to run bower_install and I am getting following error D:\django\mysite>python manage.py bower_install Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 10, in execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\core\managementinit.py", line 399, in execute_from_command_line utility.execute() File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\core\managementinit.py", line 392, in execute self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\base.py", line 242, in run_from_argv self.execute(_args, _options.dict) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\base.py", line 285, in execute output = self.handle(_args, _options) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\djangobower\management\commands\bower_install.py", line 11, in handle bower_adapter.install(settings.BOWER_INSTALLED_APPS, *args) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\djangobower\bower.py", line 32, in install cwd=self._components_root, File "C:\Python27\lib\subprocess.py", line 711, in init errread, errwrite) File "C:\Python27\lib\subprocess.py", line 948, in _execute_child startupinfo) WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

I have latest version of Node.js (0.10.24), npm (1.3.21), Django (1.6.1) and bower (1.2.8)

Can you pls help resolve the problem?

illagrenan commented 10 years ago


I have same problem as above (node: 0.10.24, npm: 1.3.21, Django: 1.6.1 and bower 1.2.8, Windows 8):

I tried to set bower path manually:

# settings.py
BOWER_PATH = os.path.normpath('C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\npm\bower.cmd')

but I'm getting:

(venv)PS D:\...\django\...\project> python .\manage.py bower_install

BowerNotInstalled: Bower not installed, read instruction here - http://bower.io/

Note: bower is in PATH, so I can call command bower directly from Powershell.

nvbn commented 10 years ago

Can you try:

BOWER_PATH = os.path.normpath('C:/Users/user_name/AppData/Roaming/npm/bower.cmd')


prasadmc commented 10 years ago

Tried it... still does not work. I checked the path to see if bower.cmd is present... and found it there. But, its not picking it!

I am able to run 'bower' in command line... but, when I try to do 'python manage.py bower_install' it shows D:\django\mysite>python manage.py bower_install -v 3 BowerNotInstalled: Bower not installed, read instruction here - http://bower.io/

rkorzen commented 10 years ago


I had the same problem

I tried this:

BOWER_PATH = os.path.normpath(r'C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm\bower.cmd')

and this helped

Rigdon commented 10 years ago

I was having the same issue and @rkorzen's solution worked (except I use a different npm prefix) so I thought maybe the extension could be the problem. Turns out it with bower on the path you can use BOWER_PATH = "bower.cmd"

Hope this helps.

illagrenan commented 10 years ago

@nvbn Sorry for delay. Your tip with:

BOWER_PATH = os.path.normpath('C:/Users/user_name/AppData/Roaming/npm/bower.cmd')

works for me. Now I can run python .\manage.py bower_install without problems.

nvbn commented 10 years ago

@illagrenan it works for all with windows? If that true, i will add it to docs =)

illagrenan commented 10 years ago

Now I'm facing another problem with BOWER_COMPONENTS_ROOT so I open different issue. However command bower_install is now working and packages are installed.

// EDIT: No more problems, everything works fine.

Niyojan commented 9 years ago

Forward slashes in Bower install path helped me, thanks