nvbn / everpad

Evernote client well integrated with linux desktop
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Holding down Backspace erases more than wanted, and causes buffer problems #420

Open rcollins0618 opened 10 years ago

rcollins0618 commented 10 years ago

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 completely updated as of today (2014-05-28) before installing a fresh version of everpad through apt-get after adding the correct site to the repository. My computer is an acer V5-122p (exact model no. MS2377).

I'm not sure how to word everything, since i'm very new at (C/C++ only) programming.

here is my test note:

force buffer overflow, or something like that...

Problem: Holding down backspace builds up a buffer (as a function of time) larger than those characters that have been shown to be erased.

Example, I'm going to backspace over some things by holding down the backspace key for a few seconds (5-10 or so). When I release that key, it will overwrite things previous to it.

This is a problem that only occurs in this app.

Test Example:

I will copy the following line as a buffer and paste it before what I overwrite: _BUFFER_

I will backspace over the following line and let go of the backspace key when I hit the beginning of the line (or shortly before then): DELETEMEDELETEMEDELETEMEDELETEME

So, before I erase the DELETEME line, it should look like the following two lines: _BUFFER_ DELETEMEDELETEMEDELETEMEDELETEME

Actual output: ****BUFFER

Again: ****BUFFER

Strange that it stops right at the R.


Now this is a pain in the ass!

Half of the keys that I type are registered as backspaces, and erase what I type before it! Some don't even register, and the timing seems random.


ok, sorry about that. I normally type pretty fast and that got annoying. I think the fact that it stopped at the R both times was a coincidence. I'm typing this now after saving and closing the note, exiting through the icon at the top of my screen, and then restarting everpad through the command line.

The following is the output from running everpad from the commandline the first time:

QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveRows: Invalid index ( 0 , 1 ) in model QStandardItemModel(0x27cc0d0) QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveRows: Invalid index ( 0 , 1 ) in model QStandardItemModel(0x27cc0d0)

Right now I have no output. There is no output from the commandline where I had to do "sudo everpad-provider --verbose" (doing it without sudo gave me a seg fault).

Please let me know if you need more information.



rcollins0618 commented 10 years ago

Anyone notice this yet, or have any advice?

Has anyone else had this problem?

utkarshsins commented 10 years ago

I have tried your suggested procedure, but failed to recreate it on my 14.04 installation from upstream. I will give it a try from apt-get and get back to you.