I regularly need to change the Author of git commits, because I deal with multiple git identities on my development machine and it sometimes happens that I use the wrong identity for commits.
This is especially bad for contributing to OpenSource Repos.
These steps are hard to remember and tedious, can you consider to add a consolidated command to git-toolbelt for that?
Or even two different commands, if that is simpler for separating concerns.
I regularly need to change the Author of git commits, because I deal with multiple git identities on my development machine and it sometimes happens that I use the wrong identity for commits.
This is especially bad for contributing to OpenSource Repos.
I found these instructions to perform a author change on previous commits: https://www.git-tower.com/learn/git/faq/change-author-name-email/
These steps are hard to remember and tedious, can you consider to add a consolidated command to git-toolbelt for that? Or even two different commands, if that is simpler for separating concerns.