nvie / gitflow

Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
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git-flow specific hooks #60

Open Thiana opened 13 years ago

Thiana commented 13 years ago

Have you considered adding hooks for git-flow?

ie, flow-{action} [start|finish] - Invoked when {action} is started/finished would be ideal for integrating with an issue tracker to mark a feature/hotfix/etc as assigned/closed.

nvie commented 13 years ago

Yeah, there definitely will be hooks for many actions, but I think I'll reserve them for the rewrite. I don't want to add too many things now that will change with the next major release again.

There should be hooks for before/after actions, validating, auto-bumping of version number and many a few more.

jankeesvw commented 13 years ago

+1 for this feature!!

I would use this to upload my project to the staging server on 'git flow feature finish' and upload to the production server with 'git flow release finish'

haf commented 12 years ago


stangel commented 12 years ago

+1 more! Is this still on your radar?

jamescarr commented 12 years ago

Yeah! I was just having some devs complain the other day that they wish calling "git flow release 1.0.25" would automatically update the version in their package.json for them because it's a release chore. :)

petervanderdoes commented 12 years ago

Please check https://github.com/nvie/gitflow/issues/171#issuecomment-3266460 as there is a fork available with hooks implementation. It's a work in progress so I need people to test the living daylights out the fork.

isnok commented 10 years ago

good idea! +1