nvie / gitflow

Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
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git flow init -d (or defaults) failes to provide long established efaults #6442

Open bnaurich opened 5 years ago

bnaurich commented 5 years ago

This is what the latest version provides which is wrong for prefixes (they are not supposed to be blank - this has worked ever since the beginning of git flow until ver 2.21 which is broke):

$ git flow init --defaults Using default branch names. (WRONG)

Which branch should be used for bringing forth production releases?

How to name your supporting branch prefixes? Feature branches? [] Bugfix branches? [] Release branches? [] Hotfix branches? [] Support branches? [] Version tag prefix? []

Please provide long estab lished norms - not having deafaults as we have always had is wrecking us - we have clones with init -d everywhere - REAL PROBLEM - it should provide this: [gitflow "prefix"] feature = feature/ bugfix = bugfix/ release = release/ hotfix = hotfix/ support = support/

PartisanEntity commented 5 years ago

Just had to reinstall my computer (Windows 10) only to discover, half way through my coding project, that I have the same issue and that my defaults now differ from those of my colleagues. Annoying issue.