nvim-lua / completion-nvim

A async completion framework aims to provide completion to neovim's built in LSP written in Lua
Apache License 2.0
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No autocomplete whatsoever #349

Closed sburris0 closed 3 years ago

sburris0 commented 3 years ago


Neither of these will give me autocomplete:

lua require'lspconfig'.rust_analyzer.setup{on_attach=require'completion'.on_attach}                                         
lua require'lspconfig'.pyls.setup{on_attach=require'completion'.on_attach}               


autocmd BufEnter * lua require'completion'.on_attach()

I'm not sure what else to check here. Is there perhaps another library dependency not listed somewhere (I run Void Linux)? I'm stumped.

sburris0 commented 3 years ago

Okay, it seems this is actually an issue with my LSP set up. Apparently it displays lints when 1. I save the buffer or 2. some 40 seconds have passed. Autocomplete works after the 40 seconds or whatever pass. Now I just need to figure out why it is slow.