When displaying documentation of a method, the signature gets interpreted as Markdown instead of being treated as a code snippet. As seen in the first screenshot foo(*args, **kwargs) is treated as if the intention was to make bold text using the * character around words
My testing minimal init.vim
" nvim-lspconfig
lua require('lspconfig').pyls.setup{}
" completion-nvim
autocmd FileType python lua require('completion').on_attach()
let g:completion_matching_strategy_list = ['exact', 'substring', 'fuzzy']
let g:completion_matching_ignore_case = 1 " not v:true, 1. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
let g:completion_matching_smart_case = 1 " not v:true, 1. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
let g:completion_trigger_on_delete = 1 " not v:true, 1. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How to reproduce
Start writing a method's name, for instance br for break or breakpoint() in Python
Navigate through the options to get method's documentation expanded on the right of the completion list
The following floating window is shown. Syntax highlighting is wrong, as if the star character (*) was interpreted as surrounding bold text, the signature highlighting on the title line is ok though:
Expected behavior
Something without misleading highlighting, even this:
When displaying documentation of a method, the signature gets interpreted as Markdown instead of being treated as a code snippet. As seen in the first screenshot
foo(*args, **kwargs)
is treated as if the intention was to make bold text using the*
character around wordsMy testing minimal init.vim
How to reproduce
in Python*
) was interpreted as surrounding bold text, the signature highlighting on the title line is ok though:Expected behavior Something without misleading highlighting, even this: