nvim-lua / lsp-status.nvim

Utility functions for getting diagnostic status and progress messages from LSP servers, for use in the Neovim statusline
MIT License
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Fix problem with doautocmd and modeline #32

Closed nlueb closed 3 years ago

nlueb commented 3 years ago

This fixes an issue i had trying to integrate lsp-status.nvim into my statusline. Everytime i moved my cursor all my folds were getting closed. I found out that doautocmd reloads the modeline which caused foldlevel=0 from my modeline to be run again. Fortunately this can be suppressed using the <nomodeline> flag. I replaced every doautocmd call with doautocmd <nomodeline>.


Use the following file and command to reproduce: nvim --clean -u test.vim test.vim

" Test {{{
set modeline
au User Test echom 'test'
" }}}

" vim: foldmethod=marker foldenable foldlevel=0

Peek 2020-12-21 12-50