nvim-lua / plenary.nvim

plenary: full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified. All the lua functions I don't want to write twice.
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too many curl processes spawned by plenary #590

Open FulanXisen opened 1 month ago

FulanXisen commented 1 month ago
PID:▲ User │ TTY CPU MEM CPU Time │ Command
67000 flxs │     0.0 0.0 00:00:00 │ curl -sSL -D /tmp/plenary_curl_cb9c41a5.headers -X POST -H Content-Type: application/json -d @/tmp/lua_mjIzLH>
67013 flxs │     0.0 0.0 00:00:00 │ curl -sSL -D /tmp/plenary_curl_b69140fb.headers -X POST -H Content-Type: application/json -d @/tmp/lua_1l6eYT>

as above: I use lazynvim's config to do rust programming, but after I open my project sometime, there are too many curl processes and my OS system was broken. Last time, I count that there are about 4000+ curl processes alive.

Conni2461 commented 1 month ago

plenary itself only provides a curl library, we dont actually use it. so might be a misuse of the library or we have a bug. can you share which plugins do you use. when you see this behavior

FulanXisen commented 1 month ago

plenary itself only provides a curl library, we dont actually use it. so might be a misuse of the library or we have a bug. can you share which plugins do you use. when you see this behavior

I think it is caused by codeium.vim. Becase I found code of "exa.language_server_pb" in codeium's codebase

I guess everytime 'codeium.vim' make a code completion request, there will be a new curl process.

I have open the same issue at codeium.vim.