nvim-lualine / lualine.nvim

A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
MIT License
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Bug: Can't display background color #804

Closed johnbitcn closed 2 years ago

johnbitcn commented 2 years ago
截屏2022-08-18 15 29 55 截屏2022-08-18 15 30 02

Minimal config to reproduce the issue

Just installed by default way with default configuration

Aditional information

MacOS 12.5 Fish v3.5.1 NVIM v0.7.2 packer.nvim

plugin list • LuaSnip • cmp-buffer • cmp-nvim-lsp • colorbuddy.nvim • git.nvim • gitsigns.nvim • go.nvim • guihua.lua • lspkind-nvim • lspsaga.nvim • lualine.nvim • markdown-preview.nvim • mason-lspconfig.nvim • mason.nvim • navigator.lua • neosolarized.nvim • null-ls.nvim • nvim-autopairs • nvim-bufferline.lua • nvim-cmp • nvim-colorizer.lua • nvim-dap • nvim-lspconfig • nvim-treesitter • nvim-ts-autotag • nvim-web-devicons • packer.nvim • plenary.nvim • prettier.nvim • rust-tools.nvim • telescope-file-browser.nvim • telescope.nvim • zen-mode.nvim

shadmansaleh commented 2 years ago

Did you set your colorscheme before calling lualine setup ?

plugin list • LuaSnip • cmp-buffer • cmp-nvim-lsp • colorbuddy.nvim • git.nvim • gitsigns.nvim • go.nvim • guihua.lua • lspkind-nvim • lspsaga.nvim • lualine.nvim • markdown-preview.nvim • mason-lspconfig.nvim • mason.nvim • navigator.lua • neosolarized.nvim • null-ls.nvim • nvim-autopairs • nvim-bufferline.lua • nvim-cmp • nvim-colorizer.lua • nvim-dap • nvim-lspconfig • nvim-treesitter • nvim-ts-autotag • nvim-web-devicons • packer.nvim • plenary.nvim • prettier.nvim • rust-tools.nvim • telescope-file-browser.nvim • telescope.nvim • zen-mode.nvim

That's not minimal no matter how you look at it.

Something in your plugins or config has cleared the highlight groups created by lualine most likely it's the colorscheme you're using . Sorry but I'm not gonna dig through you config & plugins to figure out which plugin or where in your config have you done that . That's why bug reports must have an isolated minimal config.

finviman commented 2 years ago

yes i encounter the same problem, yes the colorscheme i used caused this problem, I fixed it by putting require('theme') right before require('lualine').