nvim-neo-tree / neo-tree.nvim

Neovim plugin to manage the file system and other tree like structures.
MIT License
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I'm taking a short break. #361

Closed cseickel closed 2 years ago

cseickel commented 2 years ago

This is probably better as a discussion, but I figure less people would read it there.

I've decided I want to focus on my missing formal education and practice some coding challenges for a little while. I'll be using my free time to read and do leetcode/hacker rank challenges for the next month or two, so I won't be personally adding any new features to Neo-tree during that time. I will gladly review and merge PRs though! I'll also keep responding to new issues and discussions to help people out and fix any bugs that come up.

nyngwang commented 2 years ago

Hi, @cseickel:

Not very good at expressing but really thank you for being so responsive on resolving all the issues I have these months and this plugin is really a big thing for me in 2022.

I really wish you good luck on your upcoming leetcode/hacker journey, and possibly become the next tourist in the future. And whenever you encounter any difficulty during the journey of mastering those algoirhtms of leetcode, I hope this music will help you: https://soundcloud.com/user-278546453/youthful-beautifulyukiyanagi-remix. Enjoy.

Forgive me spamming my ricing here, but let's see how awesome the thing you have done:

Sincerely, NWang (Rain)

cseickel commented 2 years ago

OK, break over.