nvim-neorg / neorg-telescope

Telescope.nvim integration for Neorg
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No content when using `telescope neorg find_norg_files` #30

Closed AlphabetsAlphabets closed 1 year ago

AlphabetsAlphabets commented 1 year ago

Here's a video demonstrating the issue.


So what's going on here is that after I run \li which is this

Map("n", "<LocalLeader>li", function() 
  vim.cmd("Neorg workspace notes")
  vim.cmd("Neorg index")
end, {})

Then I'd run \ff which uses the neorg telescope extension to find all neorg files. Map("n", "<LocalLeader>ff", ":Telescope neorg find_norg_files<CR>", {}). Problem is, this doesn't actually do what it's supposed to. It runs telescope fine, I can select any file in my workspace folder. But, for some reason the files have no content. Unless, I manualy go to those files using links.

AlphabetsAlphabets commented 1 year ago
vim.opt.autochdir = true

Had to add this to the .norg ftplugin file. It works, and lets me directly use Telescope find_files. I can use the neorg integration for it as well. This made things, slightly annoying but it works for now. Should probably add somewhere that this option should be included and that the core.dirman module is needed.