nvim-neorg / neorg

Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.
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Inline markup not working #1461

Open VictorLemosR opened 2 weeks ago

VictorLemosR commented 2 weeks ago


Neovim Version


Neorg setup

Lazy config

    dependencies = { "luarocks.nvim" },
    lazy = false,
    version = "*",
    config = function ()
        local paths = require("victor.paths")
        local notes_folder = paths.notes_folder
        require("neorg").setup {
            load = {
                ["core.defaults"] = {},
                ["core.concealer"] = {
                    config = {
                        folds = true,
--                        icon_preset = "basic",
--                        init_open_folds = "always"

Neorg configs inside ftplugin:

vim.opt_local.wrap = true
vim.opt_local.colorcolumn = "120"
vim.opt_local.textwidth = 120
vim.opt_local.spelllang = 'pt,en_us'
vim.opt_local.expandtab = false
vim.opt_local.foldenable = true
vim.opt_local.conceallevel = 2
vim.opt_local.concealcursor = "nv"

Treesitter lazy config:

    { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', build = ':TSUpdate' },
    { 'nvim-treesitter/playground' },
    { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context' },

    config = function ()
        require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
            ensure_installed = { "python", "lua", "query", "rust", "norg" },

            -- Install parsers synchronously (only applied to `ensure_installed`)
            sync_install = true,

            -- Automatically install missing parsers when entering buffer
            -- Recommendation: set to false if you don't have `tree-sitter` CLI installed locally
            auto_install = true,

            highlight = {
                enable = true,
                additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false,


My colorscheme config:

    {"sainnhe/sonokai", priority = 1000, lazy = false,
    config = function()
        -- check for other colors, they are all good
        vim.g.sonokai_style = "andromeda"
        vim.g.sonokai_better_performance = 1
        vim.g.sonokai_colors_override = {
            yellow = {'#d5b359', '107'},
        vim.cmd('colorscheme sonokai')


Actual behavior

Heading's formats works: image Inline markups don't: image

As a side bug, To-do hotkeys don't work: or td, for example

Expected behavior

To work.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Installation was done via lazy.
  2. My terminal is wezterm
  3. I'm on windows
  4. Neovim 0.10
  5. Latest neorg (8.7.0 - even updated to the lastest version launched today 11-jun).

Other information

What I checked/tried:

  1. Treesitter highlight is enabled.
  2. Bold and itallic works in .md: image
  3. Checkhealth does not show any error and says concealer is ok: image