nvim-neorg / neorg

Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.
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Link Hopping Is Broken #1467

Open holmanb opened 2 weeks ago

holmanb commented 2 weeks ago


Neovim Version

NVIM v0.10.0 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.1713484068 Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info

Neorg setup

Entire config:

local rocks_config = {
    rocks_path = vim.env.HOME .. "/.local/share/nvim/rocks",

vim.g.rocks_nvim = rocks_config

local luarocks_path = {
    vim.fs.joinpath(rocks_config.rocks_path, "share", "lua", "5.1", "?.lua"),
    vim.fs.joinpath(rocks_config.rocks_path, "share", "lua", "5.1", "?", "init.lua"),
package.path = package.path .. ";" .. table.concat(luarocks_path, ";")

local luarocks_cpath = {
    vim.fs.joinpath(rocks_config.rocks_path, "lib", "lua", "5.1", "?.so"),
    vim.fs.joinpath(rocks_config.rocks_path, "lib64", "lua", "5.1", "?.so"),
package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";" .. table.concat(luarocks_cpath, ";")

vim.opt.runtimepath:append(vim.fs.joinpath(rocks_config.rocks_path, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks-5.1", "*", "*"))
    load = {
        ["core.defaults"] = {},
        ["core.concealer"] = {},
        ["core.dirman"] = {
            config = {
                workspaces = {
                    notes = "~/notes",
                default_workspace = "notes",

Actual behavior

Local file-based links get "Link not found - ..." and url-based links have no response.

Expected behavior

Link following appears broken for me. Local file-based links get "Link not found - ..." and url-based links have no response.

Steps to reproduce

To ensure that it's not due to link syntax (same behavior with my own configuration), I use the links embedded in neorg's help docs.

1) start neovim with above config 2) :h neorg-links 3) move cursor down to line with the link to the spec (URL) or local link 4) <CR>

Potentially conflicting plugins

n/a - reproduces with attached minimal config

Other information

:checkhealth neorg looks fine. I just ran :Neorg sync-parsers. I don't see any tracebacks or errors in neorg's log file, so I'm unsure how to debug.



Implementation help

No response