nvim-neorg / neorg

Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.
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Can't open file link #1544

Open yassinebenarbia opened 1 month ago

yassinebenarbia commented 1 month ago


Neovim Version

NVIM v0.10.0

Neorg setup

  load = {
    ["core.keybinds"] = {
      config = {
        hook = function(keybinds)
    ["core.defaults"] = {},
    ["core.concealer"] = {},
    ["core.dirman"] = {
      config = {
        workspaces = {
          notes = "~/Notes",

Actual behavior

After I've updated my plugins by today's date (2024-07-30) (Including Neorg), I couldn't open my linked files in the index.norg head

Expected behavior

Open the the file if exist, else crates it and open it

Steps to reproduce

I can't give exact steps to reproduce, but I can provide some information about the system OS: NixOS (unstable) Neovim version: 0.10.0 LuaJIT version: 2.1.1713773202 Neorg versoin: updated using the Lazy package manager from the main branch to the e5e797e commit

Potentially conflicting plugins

IDK, my best guess is that the default mapping of the somehow got overwritten by some other keybind (which is not correct since I don't map the key to anything)

Other information

This is the output of :checkhealth neorg

neorg: require("neorg.health").check()

Neorg Configuration ~
- Checking `load` table...
- OK Module declaration for `core.defaults` is well-formed
- OK Module declaration for `core.keybinds` is well-formed
- OK Module declaration for `core.dirman` is well-formed
- OK Module declaration for `core.concealer` is well-formed
- OK Default configuration for logger provided, Neorg will not output debug info.

Neorg Dependencies ~
- OK `luarocks` is installed.

Neorg Keybinds ~
- Neorg is configured to use keybind preset `neorg`
- WARNING Key `<CR>` conflicts with a key bound by the user. Neorg will not bind this key.
    - consider mapping `<Plug>(neorg.esupports.hop.hop-link)` to a different key than the one bound by Neorg.


if needed

max397574 commented 1 month ago

it tells you in the healtcheck that the <cr> mapping isnt' created because it's already mapped somewhere so search in your config (or your plugins) for <cr> and remove that mapping or just map something to <Plug>(neorg.esupports.hop.hop-link) yourself (can also map cr manually)

yassinebenarbia commented 1 month ago

It was mapped, to <CR>, I really don't understand why mapping <CR> to <CR> brakes it tho, also removing that keybind does not solve the issue, it now opens the explorer on a horizontal split, while also displaying the same warning when I :checkhealth neorg Also:
