nvim-neorg / neorg

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Tangle local to codeblock doesn't support posix paths #983

Open jonathf opened 1 year ago

jonathf commented 1 year ago


Neovim Version

NVIM v0.10.0-dev

Neorg setup

require("neorg").setup {
  load = {
    ["core.defaults"] = {}, -- Loads default behaviour
    ["core.completion"] = {config = {name = "norg", engine = "nvim-cmp"}},

Actual behavior

Here is the norg code:

#tangle /home/jonathf/.config/file
@code lua

#tangle ~/config/nvim/after/ftplugin/help.lua
@code lua

Here is the treesitter tree:

(paragraph) ; [1:1 - 2:0]
 (strong_carryover_set) ; [1:1 - 8]
  (strong_carryover) ; [1:1 - 8]
   name: (tag_name) ; [1:2 - 7]
    (word) ; [1:2 - 7]
 (paragraph_segment) ; [1:9 - 34]
  (italic) ; [1:9 - 22]
(ranged_verbatim_tag) ; [2:1 - 3:4]
 name: (tag_name) ; [2:2 - 5]
  (word) ; [2:2 - 5]
 (tag_parameters) ; [2:7 - 9]
  (tag_param) ; [2:7 - 9]
 (ranged_verbatim_tag_end) ; [3:1 - 4]
(paragraph) ; [5:1 - 6:0]
 (strong_carryover_set) ; [5:1 - 9]
  (strong_carryover) ; [5:1 - 9]
   name: (tag_name) ; [5:2 - 7]
    (word) ; [5:2 - 7]
   (tag_parameters) ; [5:9 - 9]
    (tag_param) ; [5:9 - 9]
 (paragraph_segment) ; [5:10 - 45]
(ranged_verbatim_tag) ; [6:1 - 7:4]
 name: (tag_name) ; [6:2 - 5]
  (word) ; [6:2 - 5]
 (tag_parameters) ; [6:7 - 9]
  (tag_param) ; [6:7 - 9]
 (ranged_verbatim_tag_end) ; [7:1 - 4]

First tangle tag starts with italic since the first part of /home/jonathf/.config/file to norg is italic text. The second tangle tag does not, but the first ~ is ignored from the tree, which I guess that treesitter doesn't recognise it.

Expected behavior

I would like Neorg to recognize both tag paths so that they can be processed by tangle.

Steps to reproduce

Read file with the Norg content above, and run :InspectTree to see the query tree.



Implementation help

I can add code in the lua plugin ecosystem, but I am inexperiences with treesitter scheme if that is where we are heading.

vhyrro commented 1 year ago

Ah this is a known issue because of the V1 parser. I'm close to releasing the first release version of the V3 parser which should be much better overall :)

jonathf commented 1 year ago

Good to hear. Mind pointing me in the direction of the v3 parser work (if it is published/in a pr)?

vhyrro commented 1 year ago

Here ya go: https://github.com/nvim-neorg/tree-sitter-norg3