nvim-neorg / norg-specs

A collection of specifications and grammars for Neorg's file format, `norg`.
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Please provide an example for @table #31

Open glyh opened 3 months ago

glyh commented 3 months ago

There was one before and it seems to be deleted, what happened?

Thanks a lot!

glyh commented 3 months ago

Also is https://github.com/pysan3/Norg-Tutorial/blob/main/norg_tutorial.md#table-syntax still valid here?

glyh commented 3 months ago

For anyone considering a WYSIWYG table, I for now use markdown highlighting:

@code markdown
| Hello | I  | Am  | A    | Table | 
| -     | -  | -   | -    | -     | 
| How   | Do | You | Like | It?   |
glyh commented 3 months ago

Is @ table support removed?


mrossinek commented 1 month ago

This seems more like an issue for https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg rather than the spec.

Not sure if this is still relevant/up-to-date though. If so, we can migrate the issue to that repo.