nvim-neorocks / nurr

A repository for hosting auto-generated Neovim plugins and tree-sitter parsers for Luarocks.
MIT License
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ci: adding test over selected plugins #13

Closed teto closed 2 months ago

teto commented 2 months ago

rocky adventure but finally got something working, I didn't want to require luarocks-tag-release changes to support list (along with string) for dependencies but this could make sense.

teto commented 2 months ago

My changes seem to generate a correct rockspec, yet the luarocks install fail ? https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/nurr/actions/runs/9922040583/job/27410665505#step:5:488

There seems to be unrelated failures as well such as neotest depending on the removed nvim-treesitter: https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/nurr/actions/runs/9922040583/job/27410666847#step:5:545

for chatgpt.nvim https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/nurr/actions/runs/9922040553/job/27410668231 gets

Error: /home/runner/work/nurr/nurr/chatgpt.nvim-0.1.1-alpha-1.rockspec: Type mismatch on field version: invalid value '0.1.1-alpha-1' does not match '[%w.]+-[%d]+' (using rockspec format 3.0)

The summary for the jobs are kinda confusing, I hope we can force the summary to just mention for which plugin it runs instead of some fields from the plugin such that sometimes a dependency appears first :s image