nvim-neorocks / rocks-edit.nvim

See useful diagnostics right from your rocks.toml
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Progress messages #2

Open boltlessengineer opened 3 days ago

boltlessengineer commented 3 days ago

Fetching takes a while. If rocks-edit can have LSP integration mentioned from #1, supporting LSP progress messages will be useful to know what is happening in real time. No need to include things like fidget.nvim if it is already have virtual Language Server connected to rocks.toml file.

mrcjkb commented 3 days ago

We could also make use of caching to speed things up.

That could mean that we might not always be showing the most recent state of luarocks (i.e. if a new version is published between cache updates), but that wouldn't be the end of the world imo.