nvim-neorocks / rocks-treesitter.nvim

A WIP "just works" tree-sitter setup for rocks.nvim!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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should rocks-treesitter install the basic required parsers? #16

Open boydkelly opened 6 days ago

boydkelly commented 6 days ago

I noticed that reinstalling rocks-nvim (with parsers commented out in rocks.toml), that vimdoc, c, vim, and other parsers are not installed. I also thought that auto_install="prompt" would ask me to install the toml query when opening rocks.toml the first time. Is there an issue with my config? Or feature request? :)

mrcjkb commented 6 days ago

Hey 👋

Some parsers (lua, c, vimdoc, ...) are bundled with Neovim, so there's probably no need to auto install them.

I also thought that auto_install="prompt" would ask me to install the toml query when opening rocks.toml the first time. Is there an issue with my config? Or feature request? :)

Yes, it should, as long as it isn't already installed.

boydkelly commented 6 days ago

ok but when i start from scratch installing rocks-treesitter, if I ask for help for something (:h help) I will get: no parser for 'vimdoc' language, see :help treesitter-parsers

if I do Rocks install tree-sitter-vimdoc I will be ok. But I was expecting that: There would be no need to Rocks install tree-sitter-(any mandatory parser)

Then when opening rocks.toml I also get a no parser error for toml. This is solved with doing Rocks install tree-sitter-toml But I was expecting that since I have auto_install=true, I would not have to do that....

mrcjkb commented 6 days ago

It appears that for some reason auto_install isn't working for you. Could you please share your config?