nvim-neorocks / rocks-treesitter.nvim

A "just works" tree-sitter setup for rocks.nvim!
GNU General Public License v3.0
32 stars 3 forks source link

Error when install #8

Closed CRAG666 closed 5 months ago

CRAG666 commented 5 months ago

Vim:E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: ...nux64/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/language.lua:130: filetype: e xpected string|table, got number
stack traceback:
^I[C]: in function 'error'
^Ivim/shared.lua: in function 'validate'
^I...nux64/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/language.lua:130: in function 'register'
^I.../nvim/rocks/share/lua/5.1/rocks_treesitter/highlight.lua:9: in main chunk
^I[C]: in function 'require'
^I.../rocks-treesitter.nvim/scm-1/plugin/rocks-treesitter.lua:13: in main chunk
^I[C]: at 0x5a86e74d87e0
^I[C]: in function 'pcall'
^I.../.local/share/nvim/rocks/rocks_rtp/lua/rocks/runtime.lua:71: in function 'source'
^I.../.local/share/nvim/rocks/rocks_rtp/lua/rocks/runtime.lua:83: in function 'source_plugin'
^I.../.local/share/nvim/rocks/rocks_rtp/lua/rocks/runtime.lua:150: in function 'packadd'
^I...re/nvim/rocks/rocks_rtp/lua/rocks/operations/helpers.lua:90: in function 'on_exit'
^I....local/share/nvim/rocks/share/lua/5.1/rocks/luarocks.lua:67: in function ''
^Ivim/_editor.lua: in function <vim/_editor.lua:0>

mrcjkb commented 5 months ago

Hey 👋

Did you set something in


in your rocks.toml? Because the error message is saying there's an invalid value in there.

CRAG666 commented 5 months ago

@mrcjkb yes, this: [treesitter] auto_highlight = [ "haskell", "dhall", "rust", "toml" ] auto_install = "prompt" # true | false

[[treesitter.parser_map]] PKGBUILD = "bash" cls = "latex" sty = "latex"

mrcjkb commented 5 months ago

🤔 does it work when you remove

PKGBUILD = "bash"
cls = "latex"
sty = "latex"
CRAG666 commented 5 months ago

when delete this, works: [treesitter] auto_highlight = [ "haskell", "dhall", "rust", "toml" ] auto_install = "prompt" # true | false

CRAG666 commented 5 months ago

this is my rocks.toml, works:

# This is your rocks.nvim plugins declaration file.
# Here is a small yet pretty detailed example on how to use it:
# [plugins]
# nvim-treesitter = "semver_version"  # e.g. "1.0.0"

# List of non-Neovim rocks.
# This includes things like `toml` or other lua packages.

# List of Neovim plugins to install alongside their versions.
# If the plugin name contains a dot then you must add quotes to the key name!
"rocks.nvim" = "2.21.1"
"rocks-treesitter.nvim" = "scm"
"rocks-git.nvim" = "1.4.0"
"rocks-dev.nvim" = "1.1.2"
neorg = "8.4.0"
"neodev.nvim" = "2.5.2"
cmp-nvim-lsp = "scm"
nvim-web-devicons = "0.99"
tree-sitter-hyprlang = "scm"
tree-sitter-toml = "scm"
tree-sitter-cpp = "scm"
tree-sitter-v = "scm"
tree-sitter-bash = "scm"
"marks.nvim" = "scm"
"which-key.nvim" = "1.6.0"
"dressing.nvim" = "2.2.0"
"mini.indentscope" = "0.9.0"
"nui.nvim" = "0.3.0"
"flash.nvim" = "1.18.2"
"grapple.nvim" = "0.28.2"
"mini.move" = "0.9.0"
"mini.splitjoin" = "0.9.0"
"mini.ai" = "0.9.0"
"telescope.nvim" = "scm"
"telescope-frecency.nvim" = "scm"
"telescope-file-browser.nvim" = "scm"
"ssr.nvim" = "scm"
tree-sitter-python = "scm"
"diffview.nvim" = "scm"
neogit = "scm"
tree-sitter-zathurarc = "scm"
tree-sitter-yuck = "scm"
tree-sitter-vimdoc = "scm"
tree-sitter-typescript = "scm"
tree-sitter-tsx = "scm"
tree-sitter-c_sharp = "scm"
tree-sitter-bibtex = "scm"
tree-sitter-cmake = "scm"
tree-sitter-comment = "scm"
tree-sitter-sql = "scm"
tree-sitter-dot = "scm"
tree-sitter-elixir = "scm"
tree-sitter-fortran = "scm"
tree-sitter-fennel = "scm"
tree-sitter-git_config = "scm"
tree-sitter-git_rebase = "scm"
tree-sitter-gitignore = "scm"
tree-sitter-gitcommit = "scm"
tree-sitter-gitattributes = "scm"
tree-sitter-go = "scm"
tree-sitter-gpg = "scm"
tree-sitter-graphql = "scm"
tree-sitter-http = "scm"
tree-sitter-jsdoc = "scm"
tree-sitter-json5 = "scm"
tree-sitter-jsonc = "scm"
tree-sitter-jsonnet = "scm"
tree-sitter-luap = "scm"
tree-sitter-luau = "scm"
tree-sitter-luadoc = "scm"
tree-sitter-markdown = "scm"
tree-sitter-markdown_inline = "scm"
tree-sitter-meson = "scm"
tree-sitter-ninja = "scm"
tree-sitter-nix = "scm"
tree-sitter-perl = "scm"
tree-sitter-pem = "scm"
tree-sitter-query = "scm"
tree-sitter-rasi = "scm"
tree-sitter-regex = "scm"
tree-sitter-rust = "scm"
tree-sitter-ssh_config = "scm"

git = "catppuccin/nvim"
rev = "v1.6.0"

git = "nvimtools/none-ls.nvim"

git = "rasulomaroff/reactive.nvim"
rev = "v1.2.1"

git = "lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim"
rev = "v0.7"

git = "m4xshen/autoclose.nvim"

git = "natecraddock/telescope-zf-native.nvim"

PKGBUILD = "bash"
cls = "latex"
sty = "latex"

but add: [treesitter] auto_highlight = [ "haskell", "dhall", "rust", "toml" ] auto_install = "prompt" # true | false, config breaks

CRAG666 commented 5 months ago

I use this because this plugin does not activate treesitter automatically:

autocmd("FileType", {
  group = augroup "treesitter",
  pattern = {
  callback = function()
CRAG666 commented 5 months ago

@mrcjkb Thanks

mrcjkb commented 5 months ago

should be


I've corrected the snippet in the readme. But you shouldn't need to add any by default. That's just an example, in case the default map is missing something.

I use this because this plugin does not activate treesitter automatically

This is probably because of the error caused by the incorrect [[treesitter.parser_map]] entry. It should start highlighting automatically if a parser is installed, and prompt you to install one if not.