nvim-neorocks / rocks.nvim

Neovim plugin management inspired by Cargo, powered by luarocks
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[QoL/Installer] Use dynamic home path instead of hardcoding it #266

Closed NTBBloodbath closed 1 month ago

NTBBloodbath commented 1 month ago

I recently decided to update Neovim and my setup on my macbook, which is why the paths I already had were not working correctly as they were pointing to /home/foo/.local/....

I think using something like vim.env.HOME and appending the luarocks path instead of evaluating the home directory once in the installer instructions would be the most efficient and convenient way to make PATHs on Unix systems work without tweaking them between different machines.

This would also be very useful for people using the same configuration on Linux systems with different usernames :)