nvim-neorocks / rocks.nvim

🌒 Neovim plugin management inspired by Cargo, powered by luarocks
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature] hot-swappable progress/notification backends #529

Open bodby opened 3 months ago

bodby commented 3 months ago

E.g use the built-in message line (the one at the bottom of the window, not sure what it's called) or another notification plugin like mini.notify. Currently only fidget.nvim can be used with rocks.nvim.

bodby commented 3 months ago

Very sorry, I think this is a duplicate. Not sure about using other plugins like mini.notify though; I think it also shows progress for things like LSPs. Or even have the option to just not show progress and only print; like what :TSInstall shows.

mrcjkb commented 3 months ago

Hey :wave:

I think allowing hot-swappable progress and notification backends (which would also allow vim.notify) sounds like a reasonable request.

I don't know if I'll get around to this anytime soon though.