nvim-neotest / neotest-plenary

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Async test exit directly without any error #20

Open AbaoFromCUG opened 2 months ago

AbaoFromCUG commented 2 months ago

Here is a test case modified from https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim/blob/master/TESTS_README.md, it is expected failed after 10 seconds

describe("test", function()
    it("async", function()
        local co = coroutine.running()
            assert(false, "should error")
        end, 10000)

I run with neotest +neotest-plenary, which just exist without any error, here is output

Testing:        /tmp/nvim/xxx_spec.lua

[Terminal closed]

Maybe a issue related to coroutine or api-fast, I am a little confused with them

AbaoFromCUG commented 2 months ago

yeah, I found the cause of this issue, busted.run(file) will run a a file and return immediately, regardless of whether it really completed or not. But neotest-plenary assumes that it has been completed


In busted.run(), just wrap and run the file in a coroutine.wrap


A solution is to hack the busted.run…… such a hell