nvim-neotest / neotest-python

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Test passes but is reported as failed #59

Open Diaoul opened 7 months ago

Diaoul commented 7 months ago

Funny thing:

How can I troubleshoot this?

Diaoul commented 7 months ago

pytest_runtest_makereport is never called. I'm assuming it's because one of those numerous plugins that don't return None and make the hook stop...

plugins: ddtrace-1.12.3, Flask-Dance-5.1.0, mock-3.10.0, rerunfailures-10.2, Faker-13.15.0, snapshottest-0.6.0, unordered-0.5.1, find-dependencies-0.5.2, anyio-3.7.1, typeguard-2.13.3, subtests-0.8.0, xdist-3.3.1, cov-4.0.0, socket-0.5.1, archon-0.0.5

Do you have any idea how to circumvent that?

Diaoul commented 7 months ago

Actually, seems caused by running pytest with -n 2

Diaoul commented 7 months ago

It's documented here, unsure what the fix could be...

Diaoul commented 7 months ago

I've tested by writing to a file but it does not seem executed at all, even on the slave 🤔 Maybe this is more the one then

Diaoul commented 7 months ago

As a workaround I've created a .pytest.ini which sets -n 0 and overrides the setting from pyproject.toml:

addopts = -n 0
martinparadiso commented 7 months ago

Hello, I've encountered the same problem this days. Without running parallel. Minimal working example:

import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize('val', [1, 2])
def test_param(val):
    assert val in (1, 2)

The output panel shows success, neotest.log with trace-level shows the following:

TRACE | 2023-12-15T02:50:43Z+0000 | ...hare/nvim/lazy/neotest/lua/neotest/client/state/init.lua:71 | {
  ["/home/martin/test/test_param.py::test_param"] = {
    errors = {},
    output = "/tmp/nvim.martin/sfi7Rf/2",
    status = "failed"
  ["/home/martin/test/test_param.py::test_param[1]"] = {
    errors = {},
    output = "/tmp/nvim.martin/sfi7Rf/2",
    short = "\27[32m\27[1m____________________________________________________ test_param[1] _____________________________________________________\27[0m\n",
    status = "passed"
  ["/home/martin/test/test_param.py::test_param[2]"] = {
    errors = {},
    output = "/tmp/nvim.martin/sfi7Rf/2",
    short = "\27[32m\27[1m____________________________________________________ test_param[2] _____________________________________________________\27[0m\n",
    status = "passed"

There is a non-parametrized element (the first one) that is marked as failed for some reason. I dived a little bit in the codebase but could not track down where it is generated.

Also, messages in the log file seem to be duplicated.

I have not bisected the git history, but problem is not present in 81d2265efac717bb567bc15cc652ae10801286b3, so that can be used in the mean time.

rcarriga commented 7 months ago

@martinparadiso You hit a separate issue with parameterized tests that has now been fixed in the latest commit

Billuc commented 2 months ago

As a workaround I've created a .pytest.ini which sets -n 0 and overrides the setting from pyproject.toml:

addopts = -n 0

I tested this workaround, it also work if I replace the setting in my pyproject.toml. Weird though that this parameter is linked to the issue