nvim-neotest / neotest

An extensible framework for interacting with tests within NeoVim.
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[Question] Show test output when running tests? #253

Open Kindlewing opened 1 year ago

Kindlewing commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to show test output when running the tests? Below is my config:

    config = function()
                library = { plugins = { 'neotest' }, types = true },
            adapters = {
                    phpunit_cmd = function()
                        return 'vendor/bin/phpunit'
            default_strategy = 'integrated',
            output = {
                open_on_run = true,
                enter = true,
            benchmark = {
                enabled = true,
            diagnostic = {
                enabled = true,
                severity = 1,
            consumers = {},
            strategies = {
                integrated = {
                    width = 120,
                    height = 40,

Keymap for running:

maps.n['<leader>Uf'] = {
    desc = 'Run all tests in current file',
aaronmcadam commented 1 year ago

I've been wondering the same, @Kindlewing. What if the run method could take a callback? We could use that to do whatever we wanted after running tests.

robamu commented 1 year ago

It would be really nice if it was possible to jump into the test output directly after running the test. Maybe I overlooked something inside the documentation, but I don't know how to jump into the output without an extra command. I have since written a :NtShow custom command for this, but it would be really nice to just enter the output directly if I am running the test from code.

yuchanns commented 1 year ago

Just noticed that it would show test outputs if the test failed:


The option open_on_run is ambiguous, making users expect the output to show after the run action, IMO. It can be easily done by just removing this line of code. But I believe that there must be a better way to solve that.

wookayin commented 1 year ago

See #50; show_output or attach depending on the test job status.

yuchanns commented 1 year ago

See #50; show_output or attach depending on the test job status.


No problem directly with vim.loop instead of plenary.job (I guess vim.uv is ok too):

  local neotest = require("neotest")
    adapters = {
      require("neotest-rust")({ args = { "--no-capture" }, dap_adapter = "lldb" }),
    status = { virtual_text = true },
    output = { enabled = true, open_on_run = false },
    consumers = {
      attach_or_output = function(client)
        local M = {}
        function M.open(opts)
          opts = opts or {}
          local pos = neotest.run.get_tree_from_args(opts)
          if pos and client:is_running(pos:data().id) then
            neotest.output.open({ enter = true })

        return M
  vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("NTestOutput", function()
    local handle
    handle, _ = vim.loop.spawn(
      { args = { "3s" }, stdio = nil },
  end, {})

The custom consumer can choose a proper way to attach running or open results. But I always have to execute run and attach_or_output sequentially.

I have tried to create a command combined with run which executes attach_or_output after sleeping one second using plenary.job. But it failed on the coroutine callback to the open method.

I should see what I can do on run's listeners

dennypenta commented 2 weeks ago

@yuchanns does this solve you issue? it open attach window first an then it disappears if the test is quick. Im looking for a way to make a consumer similar to overseer, but don't really understand how they achieve that