nvim-orgmode / orgmode

Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.9+.
MIT License
3.1k stars 139 forks source link

Indentation increases with each item #472

Open pianocomposer321 opened 1 year ago

pianocomposer321 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

I'm having a hard time determining if this is intended or not...but it's really annoying and I'm not sure how to disable it, or if I'm just doing something wrong. The problem is that when I'm writing a list, instead of being on the same indentation level, it adds one on the new line. This is super confusing, and it also happens when org_indent_mode is set to noindent.

Steps to reproduce

When I start a list like so (| = cursor):

- List Item|

Then I press enter, I would expect this:

- List Item

But instead I get this:

 - List Item

This means that repeatedly adding items gets each one indented an additional level, which is not what I want. If I want another level, I'll add one myself...

Expected behavior

Explained above.

Emacs functionality

Not really sure...I'm not an emacs user, and I'm not in a position to install it and check at the moment, but what demo videos I can find online do not seem to function the way this plugin does...though I think they're doing something more clever that I'm not sure is possible with neovim at all at the moment (with virtual indents and whatnot).

Minimal init.lua

The template works: https://github.com/nvim-orgmode/orgmode/blob/master/scripts/minimal_init.lua

vim.cmd([[set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME]])
vim.cmd([[set packpath=/tmp/nvim/site]])

local package_root = '/tmp/nvim/site/pack'
local install_path = package_root .. '/packer/start/packer.nvim'

local function load_plugins()
      { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' },
      { 'kristijanhusak/orgmode.nvim', branch = 'master' },
    config = {
      package_root = package_root,
      compile_path = install_path .. '/plugin/packer_compiled.lua',

_G.load_config = function()
    highlight = {
      enable = true,
      additional_vim_regex_highlighting = { 'org' },

  vim.cmd([[packadd nvim-treesitter]])
  vim.cmd([[runtime plugin/nvim-treesitter.lua]])
  vim.cmd([[TSUpdateSync org]])

  -- Close packer after install
  if vim.bo.filetype == 'packer' then
    vim.api.nvim_win_close(0, true)


  -- Reload current file if it's org file to reload tree-sitter
  if vim.bo.filetype == 'org' then

if vim.fn.isdirectory(install_path) == 0 then
  vim.fn.system({ 'git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim', install_path })
  vim.cmd([[autocmd User PackerCompileDone ++once lua load_config()]])

Screenshots and recordings

No response

OS / Distro

Debian 11

Neovim version/commit


Additional context

No response

pianocomposer321 commented 1 year ago

I guess I'll be more specific about what I'd expect to happen:

After headlines, one indentation level should be added, but if I then type *, it should automatically de-dent. This would essentially fix #72 too.

After a list item, the indentation should stay the same. Increased or decreased nesting of subsequent items should be done by the user.


* Heading
  | <-- Cursor here

After typing *:

* Heading
*| <-- Cursor here
* Heading
   - List item| <-- Cursor here

After typing

* Heading
   - List item
   | <-- Cursor here
pianocomposer321 commented 1 year ago

If this is the intended behavior and I'm missing something, I'd love to hear what the right way to be doing this is :).

jgollenz commented 1 year ago

I understand that the behavior you expect makes sense from your point of view, but I think it needs a bit more nuance. E.g.

* heading
   *something bold*

   - list
     --> important!

These would be very awkward to write with what you are proposing. Granted, you're more likely to add a new heading/list-item than doing what I did above. We surely can discuss whether your suggestion would be more beneficial.

Concerning your original issue: the reason (or at least that's how I interpret it) why indentation is added after pressing enter at the end of a list-item, is that you might want to write something that still belongs to the list-item in a new line:

* foo
  - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, 
    sed eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  - Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco 
    laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

If you want to add a new list-item, you can use <leader>ENTER (aka Meta-Return) in normal mode, with the cursor on the list-item. This also works on headings, although it will add a new heading right below the heading on which your cursor lies, not respecting the contents of the heading. If you want to add a new heading below the current one with respect to the headings content, press <leader>oih.

jgollenz commented 1 year ago

I just checked and I can reproduce this with org_indent_mode = "noindent" as well. I don't think that this is intended

jgollenz commented 1 year ago

Ok, in emacs the list-items still preserve the indentation on <ENTER>, even with org-indent-mode turned off. The behavior we have for list-items appears to be correct. However, we still preserve indentation on headlines, even when org-indent-mode is turned off. That should not be the case

pianocomposer321 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for responding, @jgollenz!

That's certainly interesting...it kinda feels like it's treating adding a new list item immediately like the edge case rather than the normal thing...but that's just me I guess. If that's the way the original org mode does it, then I guess it's correct 🤷.

Just to add in my perspective a little more I guess, most of the time in other word processors and stuff like that, pressing enter adds a new list item at the same level. If you want to adjust the level, you can normally do this with tab/shift-tab, backspace, or enter, or sometimes all three (i.e. tab increases level, shift-tab, backspace, and enter decrease level). Then shift-enter is often what is used to add a newline without adding a new list item.

 - List item|


 - List item


 - List item
 - |

CR again:

 - List item


 - List item
   - |


 - List item
 - |

Again, just throwing it out there. Compatibility with org mode, at least by default, makes sense. It's just that exiting normal mode and pressing <LEADER><CR> for every new list item feels a little strange to me.

jgollenz commented 1 year ago

I get your points. Even Github follows this conventions to a degree. They treat lists as bullet-lists per default. However, in general it's probably not fair to compare neovim to a word processor. If you indent text in neovim and then add a new line with <CR> it will also be indented on the same level.

There is an argument to be had whether its worthwhile to enable the functionality you mentioned with a flag. Generally speaking, this repo tries to be a port and only add additional features that make sense in the neovim world. Personally I think that this feature will result in more complexity. I'd rather spent more energy on trying to be faithful to emacs orgmode first.

Btw, in emacs this does not impact users as much, since they can just press META-RETURN (Alt-Enter) to get the same. Do you think having the same mapping in normal mode would solve this issue for you?

jgollenz commented 1 year ago

@pianocomposer321 in any case, the title for this GH issue doesn't really describe a bug. Can you please remove the bug label and add the enhancement label? I'll add a separate issue for the bug concerning org_indent_mode

pianocomposer321 commented 1 year ago

Fair enough, that makes sense. Having <M-CR> do this would be sufficient.

I'm not actually sure how to change the labels on GH issues lol. I'm not seeing an x or anything to remove the bug label. 🤷

jgollenz commented 1 year ago

I'm not seeing an x or anything to remove the bug label

I guess @kristijanhusak has to do that then

seflue commented 1 year ago

I ran into the same issue. I think, we should provide org_meta_return also for insert mode. It feels very clunky to have to always exit insert mode when I need a new item (which is - as @pianocomposer321 already stated out) the more expected usecase. It would allow a user, wo doesn't care about the current behavior to map <CR> to org_meta_return. And if you care about this, you could literally map it to <M-CR>, so you just have to hold Alt with your left thumb while hitting return to get a new item instead of <ESC><M-CR>.

lyz-code commented 10 months ago

Has anyone found a way to create new list items without exiting to normal mode since the last comment?

kristijanhusak commented 10 months ago

Support for this was added on the latest nightly branch. You can find docs about it here: https://github.com/nvim-orgmode/orgmode/blob/nightly/DOCS.md#use-enter-in-insert-mode-to-add-list-itemscheckboxestodos

lyz-code commented 10 months ago

Thanks @kristijanhusak I can confirm that with the minimal configuration using nightly the <S-CR> works. It doesn't work with my current setup though probably due to this issue