Open dsiguero opened 3 years ago
You should load your extensions after require('telescope').setup
Does :Telescope frecency frecency
work? or does :lua require('telescope').extensions.frecency.frecency()
work? It might be that the lua dispatcher has some issues.
Other things you should do is in your config is remove the *_previewer
options because these are applied on default. You should also not set file_sorter
if you load fyz_native
because fzy_native
does this for you :)
Thanks for your reply! I have modified the config according to your comments, so now it looks like this:
local actions = require('telescope.actions')
require('telescope').setup {
defaults = {
prompt_prefix = '>',
color_devicons = true,
mappings = {
i = {
["<C-x>"] = false,
["<C-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist,
extensions = {
fzy_native = {
override_generic_sorter = false,
override_file_sorter = true,
frecency = {
show_scores = false,
show_unindexed = true,
ignore_patterns = {"*.git/*", "*/tmp/*"},
I can open frecency using :Telescope frecency frecency
, and after that :Telescope frecency
will just work, at least until I close neovim. After closing and reopening it, :Telescope frecency
won't work anymore, having to :Telescope frecency frecency
to "enable" the "single frecency" version of the command to work again.
Hi, from my experience the installation with vim-plug
on linux was as simple as
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
And adding
to my init.lua
Nothing happens when I try to run
:Telescope frecency