nvim-telescope / telescope-frecency.nvim

A telescope.nvim extension that offers intelligent prioritization when selecting files from your editing history.
MIT License
773 stars 37 forks source link

big blank area #42

Open ayoubelmhamdi opened 3 years ago

ayoubelmhamdi commented 3 years ago

how can remove this area when i using frencency :

:lua require('telescope').extensions.frecency.frecency({default_text=":CWD:"})

telescopefrency1 this area is change with :CWD: also my laptop is 10" or 11" and my default config of telescope is:

    defaults ={
        prompt_prefix = " ",
        selection_caret = " ",
        file_sorter =  require'telescope.sorters'.get_fuzzy_file,
        sorting_strategy = "ascending",
        layout_strategy = "horizontal",
        layout_config = {
          height = 0.90,
          width  = 0.90,
          preview_width = 0.60,
     extensions = {
       frecency = {
          db_root = "/mega/repo/dotfiles/telescope-frency",
          show_scores = false,
          show_unindexed = false,
          disable_devicons = false,
Conni2461 commented 3 years ago

Should have been reported to the frecency repo. Transfering issue

ayoubelmhamdi commented 3 years ago

I'm still waiting! could help me!