nvim-telescope / telescope-fzf-native.nvim

FZF sorter for telescope written in c
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CMake deprecation error < 3.5 #120

Open D3vil0p3r opened 8 months ago

D3vil0p3r commented 8 months ago

I'm using NixOS with Neovim. Installing telescope-fzf-native.nvim by the following telescope.lua file:

local status_ok, telescope = pcall(require, "telescope")
if not status_ok then

local actions = require "telescope.actions"

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('v', '<C-g>', 'y<ESC>:Telescope live_grep default_text=<c-r>0<CR>',{ noremap = true, silent = true })

telescope.setup {
  pickers = {
    find_files = {
      previewer = false,
      hidden = true
    colorscheme = {
      enable_preview = true,
  extensions_list = { "themes", "terms" },
  defaults = {
    prompt_prefix = " ",
    selection_caret = " ",
    path_display = { "smart" },
    file_ignore_patterns = { "node_modules" },
    mappings = {
      i = {
        ["<C-j>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
        ["<C-k>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
        ["<C-c>"] = actions.close,
        ["<C-n>"] = actions.cycle_history_next,
        ["<C-p>"] = actions.cycle_history_prev,
        ["<C-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
        ["<CR>"] = actions.select_default,
      n = {
        ["j"] = actions.move_selection_next,
        ["k"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
        ["<C-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
        ["<C-x>"] = actions.select_horizontal,
        ["<C-v>"] = actions.select_vertical,

-- Enable telescope fzf native, if installed
pcall(telescope.load_extension, 'fzf')

and when I place telescope.lua among the plugins of Neovim, when I run nvim for the first time, at compilation time of this plugin I get


In plugins.lua it is dealt with:

    build =
    'cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build build --config Release && cmake --install build --prefix build'
    dependencies = {
      'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', -- file icons on nvim-tree

Why I get this deprecation error despite I'm using CMake 3.27? The problem is in CMakeLists.txt at:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)


Conni2461 commented 7 months ago

we could bump the minimum_required cmake version to idk 3.9

D3vil0p3r commented 7 months ago

we could bump the minimum_required cmake version to idk 3.9

We can try to see if it fixes this issue.

ditsuke commented 3 months ago

The real issue is in the build command advertised by the plugin. The final install step fails at

file(INSTALL DESTINATION "/home/x/.local/share/nvim/lazy/telescope-fzf-native.nvim/build" TYPE SHARED_LIBRARY FILES "/home/x/.local/share/nvim/lazy/telescope-fzf-native.nvim/build/libfzf.so")

At first look this install step is entirely redundant. On second look its dangerous because it is undefined behavior which new versions of cmake seem to have affected. So PSA for people coming here:

-          cmake --build build --config Release && \
-          cmake --install build --prefix build",
+          cmake --build build --config Release",

Alternatively use build = 'make'

copperthief commented 3 months ago

I get the same issue, also on NixOS. I tried changing the build command in my lua config to both 'make' and 'cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build build --config Release' and it did not seem to change anything; I still get the issue.

I did, however, find a workaround: just go to your shell and manually run make:

cd [nvim data dir]/lazy/telescope-fzf-native.nvim
99linesofcode commented 2 months ago

I ran into the same issue on Nix using LazyVim. Seems they check whether cmake is installed or fall back to make if it's not. Perhaps you could add a similar check and just build with make until this gets resolved.
