Open tjdevries opened 3 years ago
:open_mouth: I'll check it out tom, hopefully we can get the post we need. So this experimental? then it will be used in the main branch whether as fzf-writer or fzy-native writer?
I was hoping so much about this extension because i love Telescope, but i cannot use it in large projects with this is super fast, Thank You! Unfortunately i don't know much lua, but if you need help testing it, i will be super happy giving my help. Thanks again!
instead of /home/tamibam/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-compe/lua/compe/init.lua
Duplication of listed files.
@tjdevries grep is still unusably slow for me. I have a large codebase, and the input hangs for 10-20 seconds between keypresses.
This was my previous configuration using fzf, which felt instant:
function! RipgrepFzf(query, fullscreen)
let command_fmt = 'rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case %s || true'
let initial_command = printf(command_fmt, shellescape(a:query))
let reload_command = printf(command_fmt, '{q}')
let spec = {'options': ['--phony', '--query', a:query, '--bind', 'change:reload:'.reload_command]}
call fzf#vim#grep(initial_command, 1, fzf#vim#with_preview(spec), a:fullscreen)
command! -nargs=* -bang Rg call RipgrepFzf(<q-args>, <bang>0)
nnoremap <Leader>/ :Rg<CR>
This is my current configuration with telescope:
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'romgrk/fzy-lua-native', { 'do': 'make' }
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-writer.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzy-native.nvim'
lua <<EOF
require('telescope').setup {
extensions = {
fzf_writer = {
-- Disabled by default.
-- Will probably slow down some aspects of the sorter, but can make color highlights.
-- I will work on this more later.
use_highlighter = false,
nnoremap <leader>/ :lua require('telescope').extensions.fzf_writer.staged_grep()<CR>
@tjdevries I also left an issue about this in the main telescope repo (
It really seems like this is an issue with the design of telescope. The processing of the results seems like it needs to happen in some kind of background thread so the UI doesn't hang.
@tjdevries I also left an issue about this in the main telescope repo (nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim#392).
It really seems like this is an issue with the design of telescope. The processing of the results seems like it needs to happen in some kind of background thread so the UI doesn't hang.
Yes :) but adding background threads makes it much much harder and for some cases I think it's possible it will make it slower (processing all the text, transforming into something that can be sent to thread, etc.). I have plans to work on it, but it is large architectural work and (tbh) I think we're the first Lua plugin to need threads for CPU bound work (many need it for IO bound work, but that's what vim.loop.spawn does for you already... so it's much easier for those kinds of tasks).
I do hope to make it happen some day :) thanks for the suggestion!
Hey @tami5 maybe you can use this in your projects to do live grep? I was just messing around with the idea.
cc @Conni2461 @clason