nvim-telescope / telescope-fzf-writer.nvim

Incorporating some fzf concepts with plenary jobs and telescope
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Add missing prompt argument in live_grepper rg writer #8

Closed vkaracic closed 2 years ago

vkaracic commented 3 years ago

I might be wrong here but I believe this is a typo. So I have this mapping:

remap('n', '<space>fg', ':lua require("telescope").extensions.fzf_writer.grep()<CR>', { noremap = true })

and it would take forever to load (probably because RG is returning all the files for FZF to filter). Basically this is the before and after (recordings because I know how much @tjdevries likes light backgrounds :grin: ):

Before After
fzf_before-2021-06-01 fzf_after-2021-06-01
tjdevries commented 3 years ago

I actually don't think you want this in here, because if you do this, you won't get any fuzzy finding.

This will ONLY do exact match. I don't think there is any reason to use fzf in this case.

vkaracic commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure the Before behavior is a bug, don't think that the results are useful there. Also according to the staged_grep function it should work with the prompt included: https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-writer.nvim/blob/d8379b3bd9cb9854f9aa3855ead14d2d663b699a/lua/telescope/_extensions/fzf_writer.lua#L90

If the Before behavior is indeed correct then do you have any pointers on doing a grep search that does not include the filename? :slightly_smiling_face: