Open Nacho114 opened 1 year ago
Hi there,
I'm afraid this extension is unmaintained, as I haven't been using it myself in I don't know how long.
You're happy to make PRs to add features/fix bugs which I can then merge :)
@Nacho114 I was able to achieve this by doing the following
["<C-Space>"] = function(prompt_bufno)
telescope.extensions.hop._hop(prompt_bufno, { callback = actions.select_default })
I had a look at the doc, but I couldn't find if there was a way to do the following:
After I press ctrl+h (i.e. hop.hop), it would be great to directly open the file which corresponds to the letter, rather than going to it (and then having to tap enter).
If there isn't way I'd be happy to try to add it as feature that could be set in the config!