nvim-telescope / telescope.nvim

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expose lsp handler version of telescope lsp builtins #3196

Open jmbuhr opened 2 months ago

jmbuhr commented 2 months ago

This issue is here to gauge interest for a PR.


Telescope ships with built-in pickers for common lsp actions such as got-to-definition and list document symbols. However, those have to be manually bound to keys and are disconnected from the nvim builtin functions like vim.lsp.buf.definition. As such they have to do some of the work that would already be done by the vim.lsp.buf.<method> functions, such as creating the params for the lsp request and sending the request to the buffers. Optimally, telescope would only have to inject itself into one part of the lsp workflow: the handling of the response, which can easily be configured by assigning to vim.lsp.handlers[<method>].

I do have a secondary motif for this PR: my plugin otter.nvim acts as a language server to provide lsp features for code embedded in other code, like for example python code chunks in markdown(-based) documents or SQL queries in rust code. It does so by sending a modified request to other language servers attached to hidden buffers behind the scenes. It also brings its own handlers to modify the response before passing it on to the default Neovim handler for that type of request (vim.lsp.handlers):

otterls : otter-ls
params : modified request params
ls : ls attached to otter buffer 🦦1
handler: otter-ls handler
defaultHandler: default handler of nvim
request --> otterls
otterls --> params
params --> ls
ls --> response
response --> handler
handler --> defaultHandler

Integrating this with telescope is a common feature request (or confusion) I get. But because the current pickers send their own requests manually with vim.lsp.buf_request and inject their own handler, the handler specified by the language server is overwritten (The hierarchy for the handler used by buf_request goes: 1) explicitly set 2) handler provided by the server 3) handler provided by Neovim).


One solution is to take the relevant pieces from the telescope.builtin.__lsp module (https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/blob/master/lua/telescope/builtin/__lsp.lua) and use it to expose a version of the picker that acts purely as a lsp response handler. I made an example implementation here: https://github.com/jmbuhr/quarto-nvim-kickstarter/blob/main/lua/misc/handlers.lua (the code is almost the same except that the handler part has been pulled out of the individual pickers). This can then be used like such: https://github.com/jmbuhr/quarto-nvim-kickstarter/blob/6455ad9123041f11e3294508db8f216223e2ca8a/lua/plugins/lsp.lua#L118-L122

vim.lsp.handlers[ms.textDocument_definition] = handlers.telescope_handler_factory(ms.textDocument_definition, "Definition")

So overall this is not only useful for integrating with other plugins, but also to remove the need for a different keybinding. Please let me know what you think :)

Open question

My solution still has one open question: It is not currently using user-defined defaults for opts. Is there a way of accessing those from a normal function?

jamestrew commented 1 month ago

Hey sorry for the late response. This is an interesting subject and an area I've been curious about for a while as well.

Can you clarify this for me? When you say

handler provided by the server

do you mean like via lspconfig (or personal config)? The servers themselves aren't setting vim lsp handlers are they?

because the current pickers send their own requests manually with vim.lsp.buf_request and inject their own handler, the handler specified by the language server is overwritten

This is actually something we've been tracking and I've briefly taken a look at a while back but didn't have any great ideas. https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/issues/2768 https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/issues/3015

So by using something like your telescope_handler_factory and binding telescope picker functions as lsp handler, we can resolve these issues and help with otter.nvim (sounds really cool btw, need to give it a try)? If so, I'm definitely interested.

My solution still has one open question: It is not currently using user-defined defaults for opts. Is there a way of accessing those from a normal function?

We currently merge and bind opts set during telescope setup with those passed at picker call time via this function here https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/blob/79552ef8488cb492e0f9d2bf3b4e808f57515e35/lua/telescope/builtin/init.lua#L542-L593

Maybe one downside to binding telescope pickers to lsp handlers is that dynamically passing telescope options would probably be not possible (eg. calling vim.lsp.buf.definition with differing telescope options). Even if it's not possible, I don't think this is a huge deal and probably not something many people do.

jmbuhr commented 1 month ago

After your question I looked at my code again with fresh eyes and realized a had indeed muddied the waters between client and server when I wrote that part of otter. The handlers I was creating where indeed not for the server, but the client part of otterls (in vim.lsp.start(handlers = ...)). So my above statement

(The hierarchy for the handler used by buf_request goes: 1) explicitly set 2) handler provided by the server 3) handler provided by Neovim)

Should have been

(The hierarchy for the handler used by buf_request goes: 1) explicitly set 2) handler provided as part of the client when starting the client connecting to the server 3) handler provided by Neovim)

After taking my hands off of the handlers of the client for otterls that we start in the commit just linked in this thread and instead injecting the otter handlers in a callback in between the response and the actual handler that can come from anywhere (default nvim, user-passed, telescope), otterls now works out oft the box with telescope!

So, for compatibility with otter there is nothing to be done on telescope's side anymore, though the telescope as lsp handlers implementation remains an interesting prospect.