nvimdev / dashboard-nvim

vim dashboard
MIT License
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Feature Request: Enter to New Buffer, Bypass Dashboard with File Argument, and Create New Files #415

Open benajaero opened 5 months ago

benajaero commented 5 months ago


I've been using dashboard-nvim and have some suggestions that might enhance the user experience:

  1. Enter to New Buffer: It would be useful if pressing Enter on the dashboard would directly open a new buffer.

  2. Bypass Dashboard with File Argument: When opening nvim with a specific file from the command line, the dashboard could be skipped to allow immediate editing of the file.

  3. Creating New Files from Dashboard: An option to create new files directly from the dashboard would be helpful.

Is there a way to already do this?

benajaero commented 5 months ago

So far I'm using :bd to exist the dashboard buffer however it doesn't work if I type in my terminal vim newfile instead that newfile buffer is gone.

benajaero commented 5 months ago

What I've done in the end (instead of just removing dashboard-nvim) is to map my dashboard to a keyboard shortcut and remove it from automatically opening when I open vim.

ostrich commented 5 months ago

It would be intuitive for q to quit the dashboard and drop into a new buffer. Obviously that would require not using that letter for a file shortcut. Right now I'm using :ene (aka :enew) to get a new buffer.