Closed glepnir closed 1 year ago
Does anyone know how can I add colors to the header btw?
pipe it to lolcat (see pipe command in the readme).
Infact...a better question is, is it possible to pipe the default header through lolcat?
lolcat just a cli to make some ascii text more colorful.. so what do you mean ?
I wondered if there was an easy way to apply it to the default header that comes with dashboard?
maybe just replace nvim logo by default ascii text
Has anyone ever come across this annoying message before? No idea how it can be suppressed
reduce the height value .
We finally have it...
why your header looks wired
How do you guys disable line numbers?
hmmm it's disable by default . Don't know why you got line number.
weird, tried to disable all other plugins and commented out all vim settings, still see line numbers
I can't reprodue with min config
But how do I add custom sections on the originals?
let g:dashboard_custom_section = {
\ 'buffer_list': {
\ 'description': [' Recently lase session SPC b b'],
\ 'command': ':e .vimrc'}
\ }
it just removes all of the originals, when I set as above, there is only one entry.
Did DashBoard just set all the entries with dashboard_custom_section
if it exists.
you can build a command call a function . inside function do open vimrc .then pass the command into section.
Is there any way to add an image as the dashboard image for macOS, I found this and I thought it was really cute:
@shaunsingh you can use this converter: Be sure to chose "Value" option instead of the default "Luminance" to see the details
After a bit of editing this is what I got, I think it came out quite nice
Decided to go with a meme from reddit. Also, sry for the indent lines, not sure why they show.
Here is mine: Does anyone know how can I add colors to the header btw?
You can use vim.cmd 'hi DashboardHeader ' to add colors to header.
@konart Awesome config! How did you display modified and untracked files on the footer?
@PeSader I'm using Telescope's utils to get the info and then add it to the dashboard's footer:
local utils = require('telescope.utils')
local set_var = vim.api.nvim_set_var
local git_root, ret = utils.get_os_command_output({ "git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel" }, vim.loop.cwd())
local function get_dashboard_git_status()
local git_cmd = {'git', 'status', '-s', '--', '.'}
local output = utils.get_os_command_output(git_cmd)
set_var('dashboard_custom_footer', {'Git status', '', unpack(output)})
if ret ~= 0 then
local is_worktree = utils.get_os_command_output({ "git", "rev-parse", "--is-inside-work-tree" }, vim.loop.cwd())
if is_worktree[1] == "true" then
set_var('dashboard_custom_footer', {'Not in a git directory'})
@shaunsingh Your logo came out looking great! What tool did you use for it?
When Imposter is SUS
This is my Configuration.
What I really like, is the quote in the footer of dashboard. It will display the Gandalf quote, but replace Frodo
with $USER
on linux/macOS or %USERNAME%
on windows (although I don't know if it works on windows)
Here is my config
inspired from @shaunsingh added custom mappings
as an aside, I would reconmend improving the shortcut highlight group, single keys (eg.: 'q') or symbols (eg.: '
it would be nice to define
let g:dashboard_custom_section={
\ 'section': {
\ 'description': ['Text...'],
\ 'command': 'Some Command' or function('your funciton name')
\ 'shortcut': "<leader> hjkl"}
\ }
local g = vim.g
g.dashboard_session_directory = '~/.config/nvim/.sessions'
g.dashboard_default_executive ='telescope'
g.dashboard_custom_section = {
a = {description = {" Find File leader f f"}, command = "Telescope find_files"},
b = {description = {" Recents leader f h"}, command = "Telescope oldfiles"},
c = {description = {" Find Word leader f g"}, command = "Telescope live_grep"},
d = {description = {" New File leader e n"}, command = "DashboardNewFile"},
e = {description = {" Bookmarks leader m "}, command = "Telescope marks"},
f = {description = {" Load Last Session leader l "}, command = "SessionLoad"},
g = {description = {" Update Plugins leader u "}, command = "PackerUpdate"},
h = {description = {" Settings leader e v"}, command = "edit $MYVIMRC"},
i = {description = {" Exit leader q "}, command = "exit"}
g.dashboard_custom_footer = {'type :help<Enter> or <F1> for on-line help'}
vim.cmd [[
augroup dashboard_au
autocmd! * <buffer>
autocmd User dashboardReady let &l:stl = 'Dashboard'
autocmd User dashboardReady nnoremap <buffer> <leader>q <cmd>exit<CR>
autocmd User dashboardReady nnoremap <buffer> <leader>u <cmd>PackerUpdate<CR>
autocmd User dashboardReady nnoremap <buffer> <leader>l <cmd>SessionLoad<CR>
augroup END
g.dashboard_custom_header = {
" :h- Nhy` ",
" -mh. h. `Ndho ",
" hmh+ oNm. oNdhh ",
" `Nmhd` /NNmd /NNhhd ",
" -NNhhy `hMNmmm`+NNdhhh ",
" .NNmhhs ```....`..-:/./mNdhhh+ ",
" mNNdhhh- `.-::///+++////++//:--.`-/sd` ",
" oNNNdhhdo..://++//++++++/+++//++///++/-.` ",
" y. `mNNNmhhhdy+/++++//+/////++//+++///++////-` `/oos: ",
" . Nmy: :NNNNmhhhhdy+/++/+++///:.....--:////+++///:.`:s+ ",
" h- dNmNmy oNNNNNdhhhhy:/+/+++/- ---:/+++//++//.` ",
" hd+` -NNNy`./dNNNNNhhhh+-:///// -+oo:` ::-:+////++///:` ",
" /Nmhs+oss-:++/dNNNmhho:--::/// /mmmmmo ../-///++///////. ",
" oNNdhhhhhhhs//osso/:---:::/// /yyyyso ..o+-//////////:/. ",
" /mNNNmdhhhh/://+///:::////// -:::- ..+sy+:////////::/:/. ",
" /hNNNdhhs--:/+++////++/////. ..-/yhhs-/////////::/::/` ",
" .ooo+/-::::/+///////++++//-/ossyyhhhhs/:///////:::/::::/: ",
" -///:::::::////++///+++/////:/+ooo+/::///////.::://::---+` ",
" /////+//++++/////+////-..//////////::-:::--`.:///:---:::/: ",
" //+++//++++++////+++///::-- .::::-------:: ",
" :/++++///////////++++//////. -:/:----::../- ",
" -/++++//++///+////////////// .::::---:::-.+` ",
" `////////////////////////////:. --::-----...-/ ",
" -///://////////////////////::::-.. :-:-:-..-::.`.+` ",
" :/://///:///::://::://::::::/:::::::-:---::-.-....``/- - ",
" ::::://::://::::::::::::::----------..-:....`.../- -+oo/ ",
" -/:::-:::::---://:-::-::::----::---.-.......`-/. ``",
" s-`::--:::------:////----:---.-:::...-.....`./: ",
" yMNy.`::-.--::..-dmmhhhs-..-.-.......`.....-/:` ",
" oMNNNh. `-::--...:NNNdhhh/.--.`..``.......:/- ",
" :dy+:` .-::-..NNNhhd+``..`...````.-::-` ",
" .-:mNdhh:.......--::::-` ",
" yNh/..------..` ",
" ",
" N E O V I M ",
How do you align the custom menus together?
Here's how mine looks like but I'd like all of the menus be aligned to left so it looks more "flush"
@Akselmo hammering down on the spacebar until it fits
Yup, that did the trick, thanks.
Very basic, first time using this plugin and I'm lovin' it
I got my logo to display:
But it should really look like this (a.k.a. I need terminal escape sequences to work.):
How did you get yours to work @EpsilonKu ?
What I get right now (pasting the contents of a lolcat
output I get this:
I did it through the
let g:dashboard_custom_header =<< trim END
Tried without trim to no avail.
@lorecast162 Well, u need to show that lolcat will render it.
let g:dashboard_preview_command = 'cat'
let g:dashboard_preview_pipeline = 'lolcat --spread=2.5 -t --seed=156'
@EpsilonKu So it has to rerender it with lolcat all the time?
Because by "lolcat output" I meant the text from a lolcat output pasted right in my config
Yea, I made like that. It will rerender everytime.
@EpsilonKu I got it to show the text how I wanted (had to remove your options tho, apparently they're not in my version of lolcat (f35 repos) ) but I have another issue now: I cannot get rid of the [Process exited 0]
Apparently another user had the same issue in (I cannot read chinese)
@lorecast162 Just give fixed length.
Where can I get this? I so want that
You can share your custom dashboard in here. i will add it to wiki demo page. Thanks.