Closed glepnir closed 1 year ago
here's my dashboard--i tried using the wezterm
command but it didn't seem to work for me. instead i used the rust cli tool viu
with the blocks argument to get it to work (viu -b file
). the gif format sort of works but pushes the image down so i opted for just a simple static image. thanks @glepnir for all of the wonderful tools you've put together! i'm using cosynvim
and have an example of galaxyline
I need to share too!
I wanted to share this python tool (tbraille) I found the other day while trying to develop unknowingly something similiar in lua.
Basically what I was trying to achieve was to setup a custom header starting with a string, in this case just a nickname.
Tool is available on pip, just follow the instruction, if it happen to throw any kind of error on linux, just re-install a more recent version of the pillow library like so
pip uninstall pillow
pip install pillow
In case you'd like to replicate exactly my setup, I used Monocraft (minecraft inspired font) with a fontsize of 15
tbraille -f "Monocraft" -s 15 "Deatharte"
Just in case you are also interested in the footer, here you go, thought I'd suggest to disable the italics for the DashboardFooter highlight group, here for some reason I am obliged to resort to linking.
dash.custom_footer = {
[[. ,-"-. ,-"-. ,-"-. ,-"-. ,-"-. ,]],
[[ X | | \ / | | X | | \ / | | X | | \ / ]],
[[/ \| | |X| | |/ \| | |X| | |/ \| | |X| ]],
[[ `-!-' `-!-" `-!-' `-!-' `-!-' `-]],
-- # Dashboard
-- DDBoardHeader = { fg = '#EEEEEE' },
-- DDBoardCenter = { fg = '#DDDDDD' },
-- DDBoardShortcut = { fg = '#555555' },
-- DDBoardFooter = { fg = '#888888' },
-- DashboardHeader = { link = 'DDBoardHeader' },
-- DashboardCenter = { link = 'DDBoardCenter' },
-- DashboardFooter = { link = 'DDBoardFooter' },
-- DashboardShortCut = { link = 'DDBoardShortCut' }
Github octocat ascii art in my Luarvim
there has a new version it have theme config that you can config it as modern classic
. classic will works like currently dashboard . the modern look like this.
when new version publish i will close this issue and will create a new share issue thanks. new version is break change notice.
the modern theme is async based on luv file system.
blazing fast now. close the old share issue.
Super Saiyan
Hi in your custom dashboard you have custom footer which is multi line. When I'm trying to set a quote for my custom footer it's throwing en error. How did you set the multiline quote ?
can you share your dashboard config ?
The cute Dashboard
ikun assemble.
db.custom_header = { [[ .:=====-:.. ..................:-::]], [[ 鸡你太美 ..... =####*##*+: ................... ...]], [[ . .:+===-==: . ...................... ]], [[ ... .-==:+%%#=-=++:-:. ...... .....................]], [[ .. :#%%@%=%@@@%#%@-#@%*: .......................]], [[ .. .-+%@@@%##%@%%@@%##%@@@@#+--:. ..................]], [[ .. :=#@@@%#**%@@@@@%+==:.:-=+*#%%%#**+:. ...............]], [[ . :*@@%#%%**%@@@@%*=. ..:=*####+. ..............]], [[ .... :*@%+-=+**########+- ........... :---::-=+: ..............]], [[.... .. -*@*-. =*************. ...........=++==++++: ..............]], [[::::.....:+#*. .. -++++**=***+++=: ...........-=+++=-.................]], [[:::::::.--.........++==+= :+#*++=+: .......... ... ................]], [[:::::::::::....... :+====. :+++==+: .................................]], [[::::::::::::::.... :+===+: . .-+++++: ................................]], [[.::::::::::::::::..:++++=..... -**+*- ................................]], }
neovim(x) neovikun(√)
chiken brother
The cute Dashboard ↳
can you share your config?
Colors depend on your theme and highlights for the dashboard plugin. I use tokyonight (moon)
Finally did some customization of my dashboard, quite happy with the result 💙
Finally did some customization of my dashboard, quite happy with the result 💙
Amazing!, Can you please reference the config file for this luffys gear five?
Finally did some customization of my dashboard, quite happy with the result 💙
Amazing!, Can you please reference the config file for this luffys gear five?
Here it is ! (the real extension is .lua
not .txt
; and on this config file, I might have remove some menu options)
The characters don't seem to work on windows though (if you ever find a way to make it works, feel free to share it)
local version = vim.version()
local header = {
local center = {
desc = "Find File ",
key = "f",
icon = " ",
action = "Telescope find_files",
group = "@markup.heading.1.markdown",
desc = "New File ",
key = "n",
icon = " ",
action = "enew",
group = "@markup.heading.3.markdown",
desc = "Reload Session ",
key = "r",
icon = " ",
action = "SessionLoad",
group = "@markup.heading.4.markdown",
desc = "Exit ",
key = "q",
icon = " ",
action = "exit",
group = "@markup.heading.6.markdown",
local footer = {
"nvim version " .. version.major .. "." .. version.minor,
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("Filetype", {
pattern = "dashboard",
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("Dashboard_au", { clear = true }),
callback = function()
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal nonumber norelativenumber nocursorline noruler fillchars=eob:\
nnoremap <buffer> <F2> :h news.txt<CR>
return {
opts = {
theme = "hyper",
config = {
header = header,
shortcut = center,
footer = footer,
packages = { enable = false },
Meine ist wirklich schön!
Umm I know this is irrelevant but I have a question! How did @ghost add borders to highlight the active window? and also how did they add those pink and blue lines to the sides?
(I'm new to vim/neovim/lazyvim ;D)
You can share your custom dashboard in here. i will add it to wiki demo page. Thanks.