nvimdev / epo.nvim

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Opt out of snippet expansion #6

Closed xsh005 closed 9 months ago

xsh005 commented 9 months ago

Sometimes I do not want to use snippets when completing items, for instance


now say I have my_function as a complete item, in this case I do not want snippets to complete the args since I am passing the function itself as an argument, but even if I don't complete and manually type out my_function and press , the snippet still triggers, despite me not pressing <C-y>

glepnir commented 9 months ago

CTRL_Y mean confrim use CTRL_E

xsh005 commented 9 months ago

Makes sense, but what I mean is whether there is a way to only expand snippets when I do a <C-y> (explicitly ask for completion)? Seems more ergonomic.

glepnir commented 9 months ago

maybe need split cr and c-y.

xsh005 commented 9 months ago

what do you mean?