nvimtools / none-ls-extras.nvim

Extra sources for none-ls.nvim. Not extensively tested, may be prone to break.
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fix: eslint_d formatter abilities #15

Closed Ax51 closed 1 month ago

Ax51 commented 1 month ago

Original config sadly didn't work for me. I spent some time trying to figure out the reason. After all I fixed an issue and want to share my fix so others who still uses eslint_d + none-ls will be able to use formatting abilities again

Ax51 commented 1 month ago

Also I need to mention that this fix is required only for eslint_d@^14.0.2 versions, since older ones works out of the box

YJack0000 commented 1 month ago

You're a lifesaver! I've been tracing this bug all day and finally realized it was a CWD issue. I can't believe someone else fixed it. What a relief!