nvk / walletsrecovery.org

Information about wallet defaults for external recovery
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Format Questions #155

Open 6102bitcoin opened 3 years ago

6102bitcoin commented 3 years ago

m/84'/0'/0' - Coldcard really represents m/84'/0'/0'/0/n & m/84'/0'/0'/1/n (Paths for native segwit account 0). Should this be m/84'/0'/n'/0/n & m/84'/0'/n'/1/n (any account number).

m/44/0'/X' - Copay. Uses an X, we should normalise to an n, does this really mean m/44/0'/n'/0/n & m/44/0'/n'/1/n ?

m/45'/0'/0'/0/0 - Unchained Capital. Is this a single address path (no n)

@nvk ?

nvk commented 2 years ago

You are right, "n" would be better