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Describe Cardano ADA software wallets (Daedulus, Yoroi) key derivation compatibility #162

Closed dougnukem closed 2 years ago

dougnukem commented 3 years ago

Cardano Wallets have a history of different wallet master key derivation implementations.

The main Cardano software wallets (Daedalus and Yoroi) appear to implement a key derivation method called Icarus.

Two hardware wallets implement a different key derivation method (making a BIP39 recovery seed from a software wallet essentially incompatible)

I don't know enough about BIP39 key derivation methods to properly document the Cardano software wallet compatibilities, but I think it would be helpful to add to this project as it's an instance of incompatibility of wallet recovery methods.

nvk commented 2 years ago

not bitcoin related.