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Recover Electrum wallet in other wallets (e.g. Wasabi Wallet) #89

Closed yahiheb closed 3 years ago

yahiheb commented 4 years ago

I have been trying to restore electrum wallet in Wasabi but I did not succeed. What are all the information needed to do that.

maxtannahill commented 4 years ago

Are you trying this with a Electrum created BIP39 wallet and passphrase with m/84’ derivation path before trying this on Wasabi?

yahiheb commented 4 years ago

Electrum does not generate BIP39 seeds source I was creating a simple segwit wallet on Electrum then tried to recover it using Wasabi. I think Electrum's seed mnemonic is not compatible with other wallet software.

maxtannahill commented 4 years ago

Yes, Electrum seeds are not compatible with any other wallets from what I can see although they support import of BIP39 seeds.

yahiheb commented 4 years ago

Maybe we should mention that Electrum seed phrases are not compatible with any other wallets.

maxtannahill commented 4 years ago

Agree. We have mentioned that the client itself supports BIP39 but it’s worth highlighting to the user the risk of using Electrum seeds if it is the only implementation around. I will investigate to see if there are any other wallets that support it before updating the matrix.

nvk commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/nvk/wallets-recovery/issues/132 clarifies this.