nvs-vocabs / L22

SeaVoX Device Catalogue
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NTR: bulk term request batch 3 (BODCNVS-829) #41

Closed mcuthill closed 1 year ago

mcuthill commented 3 years ago

Excel template and documentation attached.


Documentation: GeoSpectrum M8 hydrophone spec sheet.pdf GeoSpectrum M8E_M8E-51 hydrophone spec sheet.pdf GeoSpectrum M8Q v2.pdf GeoSpectrum M36-100 v4.pdf Honeywell_HMR3300 Datasheet.pdf HydroptyicUVP5Shallow USER MANUAL_20151217_SN103.pdf Ifremer_Chemini_datasheet.pdf Keithley Instruments_M1000_2000.pdf Max Planck Institute_SMP Sediment_Microprofiler.pdf Moog_Crossbow_NAV440_Datasheet_revB.pdf Naxys Hydrophone 02345 DataSheet 2012-02-29.pdf NRCAN BPR Specifications.pdf PNI_TCM2.6_Datasheet_05-14-2009.pdf Reftek 130-01 seismic recorder_manual.pdf UMNGasTightSampler_Jan2017_ONC_Instrument_Specs_Report.pdf UW_BARS_User manual.pdf WA Song Meter SM4M datasheet.pdf

danibodc commented 3 years ago

The following terms from this batch have now been loaded to L22. Please note they will become live on the NVS tomorrow morning after the overnight database refresh:

L22 TOOL1661 GeoSpectrum M36-100 hydrophone L22 TOOL1660 GeoSpectrum M8Q hydrophone L22 TOOL1659 GeoSpectrum M8E-51 hydrophone L22 TOOL1658 GeoSpectrum M8 hydrophone L22 TOOL1657 Keithley Instruments M1000/M2000 data logger series L22 TOOL1654 University of Minnesota [custom] Gas-Tight serial sampler - Wu et al. (2015) L22 TOOL1653 RBR Cervata (submersible) data logger L22 TOOL1652 Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada [custom] Bottom Pressure Recorder L22 TOOL1651 University of Washington [custom] Benthic and Resistivity Sensors (BARS) L22 TOOL1650 Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 5 Shallow {UVP5-Shallow} imaging sensor L22 TOOL1649 4-Deep Inwater Imaging HoloSea S7 submersible holographic microscope L22 TOOL1597 Sound Metrics Aris Explorer 3000 imaging sonar L22 TOOL1596 Sonardyne Fetch 8306 sensor logging node L22 TOOL1595 Silicon Audio Low-Noise optical seismometer L22 TOOL1594 Ref Tek 130-01 broadband seismic recorder L22 TOOL1593 Naxys Ehyd 02345 ethernet hydrophone L22 TOOL1592 LEMI LLC LEMI-039 3C 3-component analog magnetometer L22 TOOL1591 Kistler K-Beam 8395A capacitive MEMS triaxial accelerometer series L22 TOOL1590 JFE Advantech Rinko II {ARO-CAR/CAD} oxygen sensor L22 TOOL1589 Guralp Systems CMG-1T ocean bottom seismometer

We are continuing to work on the following remaining terms from this batch. Thank you for your patience:

Max Planck Institute SMP [custom] sediment microprofiler Honeywell Aerospace HMR 3300 (3-axis tilt-compensated) electronic compass PNI Sensor Corp TCM 2.6 (3-axis tilt-compensated) electronic compass MOOG Crossbow NAV440 inertial system series Ifremer Chemical Miniaturised Analyser Fe {CHEMINI} (deep sea version) iron analyser Geospace Technologies GS 11D 3C [modified] geophone Nanometrics Trillium 120 Posthole seismometer Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter SM4M marine recorder series Technicap PPS 3/3-24S sediment trap JASCO AMAR Observer G3 autonomous multichannel acoustic recorder

louatbodc commented 3 years ago

The following terms have been published:

Honeywell Aerospace HMR 3300 (3-axis tilt-compensated) electronic compass (TOOL1662) PNI Sensor Coorporation TCM 2.6 (3-axis tilt-compensated) electronic compass (TOOL1663) MOOG Crossbow NAV440 heading, attitude and positioning sensor (TOOL1664) Ifremer Chemical Miniaturised Analyser deep sea version Fe {CHEMINI} iron analyser (TOOL1665) Nanometrics Trillium 120 Posthole 120 PH seismometer (TOOL1666) Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter SM4M underwater sound recorder series (TOOL1667) Technicap PPS 3-3 24S sediment trap series (TOOL1668)

However, we require input from you on the following terms:

Max Planck Institute SMP [custom] sediment microprofiler This looks like a unit which can house different types of sensors and could potentially be considered a platform. The sensors fitted are not constrained. Thus we would recommend using terms to describe the individual sensors.

Geospace Technologies GS 11D 3C [modified] geophone I unfortunately can't find any information relating to this instrument. Please could you provide a description? In particular, how this instrument has been modified from the manufacturer design. Also, please describe what makes a 3C different to just the 11D series.

JASCO AMAR Observer G3 autonomous multichannel acoustic recorder It is not too clear if this instrument is essentially a data logger that can house a variety of sensors from manufacturers. If the sensor houses a variety of sensors from different manufacturers it becomes difficult to constrain in a controlled term and we might recommend using concepts for the individual sensors. Do you have other information about this sensor? For example. what sensors it was using and how the Observer differs from other models in this series?

mcuthill commented 3 years ago

Re the JASCO AMAR Observer G3 autonomous multichannel acoustic recorder: It appears the 'Observer' term was added erroneously by some internal naming convention - these devices are the standard JASCO AMAR G3 devices. Our instrument point person for these devices said "For sensors of the AMAR G3 device it just has the standard health sensors (battery voltage/current, temperature) and pitch/roll/yaw. It's mainly used with JASCO hydrophone arrays to support data acquisition." This supports the idea that it's basically a data logger, specifically used for acoustic instruments. I've attached the user guide with specs that we have on record for the device: AMAR G3 User Guide.pdf I hope this clarifies things!

mcuthill commented 2 years ago

I just noticed there's a typo in PNI Sensor Coorporation TCM 2.6 (3-axis tilt-compensated) electronic compass (TOOL1663). Portmanteau for a cooperative corporation perhaps?

danibodc commented 2 years ago

Thank you for pointing this out @mcuthill, this has now been updated:

PNI Sensor Corporation TCM 2.6 (3-axis tilt-compensated) electronic compass

The change will be live on the NVS from 0730 UTC tomorrow.

JordanAthertonNOC commented 1 year ago

Hi @mcuthill

Apologies for the long delay in resolving this ticket - I believe the only outstanding term from this request is the JASCO AMAR G3, I have now created this, and it should be live on the NVS from ~07:30 UTC tomorrow:

JASCO AMAR G3 acoustic recorder (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL1966/)

Feel free to reopen the ticket if we've missed anything or if further information comes to light regarding the Geospace Technologies GS 11D 3C.