nvs-vocabs / OG1

Ocean Glider Network Parameter Usage Vocabulary
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NTR: Fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) #3

Closed danibodc closed 6 days ago

danibodc commented 1 week ago

We received a request for a new P01 term for fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) from a WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} SeaOWL UV-A Sea Oil-in-Water Locator deployed on a glider. There has been some internal discussion r.e. CDOM vs FDOM, and whether they are two separate entities. The P01 has now been created as https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/QSCDOMX1/.

A new OG1 term is now required to make a clear distinction between FDOM and CDOM measurements, mapped to the new P01 term.


Term name (PrefLabel)

Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter expressed as quinine sulphate equivalent in seawater


The quantity of the optically measurable component of coloured (chromophoric) dissolved organic matter (CDOM) that fluoresces when excited with near ultra-violet (UV) light, measured in a unit volume of salt water by calibration against a quinine sulphate proxy. Often referred to as fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) when expressed as quinine sulphate equivalent.




Synonym or acronym (AltLabel)


Mapping to external terminologies



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emmerbodc commented 1 week ago

Discussed in OG vocab meeting 06/09/24 Agreed to this with FDOM in preferred label

danibodc commented 6 days ago

This term has now been loaded and will be live on the NVS from tomorrow morning.

FDOM Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter expressed as quinine sulphate equivalent (FDOM) in seawater

danibodc commented 6 days ago
