nvs-vocabs / P06

A controlled vocabulary for units of measurement
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NTR: Request for P06 Atoms per kilogram #17

Closed nvsvocabs closed 3 years ago

nvsvocabs commented 3 years ago


Term name (PrefLabel)

Atoms per kilogram


Unit based on one atom in a SI standard unit of mass.


Synonym or acronym (AltLabel)


dr-shorthair commented 3 years ago

UCUM Code: {atom}.kg-1

danibodc commented 3 years ago

New P06 term has now been created: http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P06/current/ATKG/

ATKG Atoms per kilogram Description: Unit based on one atom in a SI standard unit of mass.

This has also been mapped to the following P24 dimension term: http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P24/current/MOLPMASS/

MOLPMASS [amount of substance]/[mass] The fundamental dimension of the number of atoms per the fundamental dimension of heaviness

Many thanks.