nvs-vocabs / S04

BODC parameter semantic model analytical method
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NTR: Request for 2 new S04 spectrophotometry terms for a dual-electrode pH sensor (BODCNVS-1172) #7

Closed danibodc closed 2 years ago

danibodc commented 2 years ago

Preferred label spectrophotometry (internal electrode) Description Measurement of the amount of light absorbed by a sample at one or more specified wavelengths, generally within the visible waveband, measured using the internal (primary) electrode of a dual-electrode instrument (e.g. Sea-Bird SeaFET ISFET).

Preferred label spectrophotometry (external electrode) Description Measurement of the amount of light absorbed by a sample at one or more specified wavelengths, generally within the visible waveband, measured using the external (reference) electrode of a dual-electrode instrument (e.g. Sea-Bird SeaFET ISFET).

danibodc commented 2 years ago

These terms have now been loaded to the NVS an will be live on the NVS from 0730 UTC tomorrow morning at: https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/S04/current/S041173/ https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/S01/current/S041174/