nvs-vocabs / S27

BODC parameter semantic model chemical substances
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NTR: 1-phenanthrol [CAS2433-56-9] #18

Closed roswri closed 1 year ago

roswri commented 1 year ago

Term name (PrefLabel) - REQUIRED

[Preferred label for the new term - this can be a substance or a mixture of substances]


CAS Registry Number - REQUIRED

[Provide the CASRN for the chemical entity - if not applicable please write n/a]


Definition - REQUIRED

[Please enter a proposed short description of the new entity]

A phenanthrol and a metabolite of phenanthrene that can be detected in urine of persons exposed to PAHs. It can be used as a marker for PAH pollution measured in marine fish bile.

Sources/references - REQUIRED

[Please enter a link to a reference source] https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/searchId.do?chebiId=CHEBI:27528 https://jira.ceh.ac.uk/browse/BODCNVS-1384

Mapping to external terminologies - OPTIONAL

[We map to ChEBI so please provide the link to ChEBI if known or links to other relevant external resources - enter one URI or a list of URIs] https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/searchId.do?chebiId=CHEBI:27528


gwemon commented 1 year ago

@roswri I'd spell out Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the definition. Also, P01 created for this new substance will need to be narrow concepts of P02=BCAH when measured in biota I think as that would be the most closely associated P02 grouping.

roswri commented 1 year ago

New term created: CS004457 - 1-phenanthrol [http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/S27/current/CS004457] (will close ticket tomorrow once term goes live on NVS)