nvs / gem

Gem TD+: A Warcraft III Tower Defense
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The Plan for Gem TD+ #184

Open nvs opened 8 years ago

nvs commented 8 years ago

The Plan for Gem TD+

Update me?! Please! Updated: 2019-08-07

This is the general plan for Gem TD+. It is a constant work in progress and reflects the current thoughts behind the development of the map.

Where is Gem TD+ going? To answer that question, it might be best to talk about what Gem TD+ hopes to accomplish. The primary goals of the project are adding more strategies, making games faster, fostering competition, and adding better support for all playstyles.

And in terms of supporting more playstyles, Gem has a lot of room to grow. Some people want to race other players, while others focus on the clock. Some just want an easy game, and some want something impossible. Some players are experts. Others are completely new. Some want to play in groups that have players of various playstyles and skill. All of these factors and more are being considered when approaching possible changes in Gem TD+.

Below is a list of topics that are either in the process of being implemented or strongly being considered.



So working in Jass is great and all, but it is not fun. It is tedious. Lua should keep me interested in developing the map for longer periods of time. Essentially, 1.7 will be a complete rewrite of the map in Lua. There will be more, of course. But I'm really excited about this.

Rated Games and Elo

This was planned, and a good bit of work was done, but unforeseen circumstances (i.e. the removal of the bots) will significantly delay or hinder implementation of Elo and statistics tracking. Unless Blizzard introduces some ability in future patches to better expose replays and/or data from custom games, this is not happening.

In-game Lobbies #116

The idea here basically stems from a desire to allow the map to be played how a player prefers. This has been given more priority now that rated games are essentially off the chopping block. Initially, they will allow players to restart individually or as a group within a running game. Every player could be in their own unique lobby inside the game. By default, every player will be in the same lobby.

Options and Settings

Over time support for the ability to toggle features on/off will be added. If you would like to play a game without any slates or combinations at all, that will be possible. If you want to disable new additions to have the feel of the original Gem TD, that will be possible. Almost any idea, within reason, is possible: toggling individual combinations, slates, or gem types; adding new modes; trying out experimental features; enabling debug/sandbox mode; and so on. All of that will be possible without disrupting other players.

Round Variation

Essentially, this idea comes from YouTD, at least in spirit. The details have not been decided upon, but the value in having variety in round composition (e.g. 'Mass', 'Normal', 'Champion', 'Boss') has been recognized. Something of this nature would introduce more pros and cons for strategies to build around.

But it doesn't have to stop there. Concepts such as magic resistance, physical resistance, evasion, etc. all can be considered. An increase in variety and challenges to overcome translates into an increase in choices that a player may have to make. Ultimately, this should lead to an increase in the variety of strategies employed to finish a game.


When I think of Gem, I think of mazing as a defining feature. However, due to the static layout, mazing is essentially nothing more than rote memorization. You either spend the time to know the best mazes, or you don't.

Multiple solutions to this problem are being considered, including additional static layouts, randomized layouts, obstacles, terrain bonuses, and more. But not everything can, or should, be added to the map.

A frontrunner would be obstacles. These would come in two flavors: those that cannot be walked over or built upon; and, those that can be walked over but not built upon. Randomly placing these on a map would help to create a unique experience in every game, hopefully freshening things up a bit.

There is still a lot of room for thought regarding this topic.

Auras on Gems #236

When I say base gems, I mean the eight gem types: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Diamond, Emerald, Opal, Ruby, Topaz, and Sapphire. Currently, only Opals have an aura. And as such, the only base gems anyone actually tries to keep are Opals. The others pretty much only exist to become part of a special.

By adding auras to every base type, it is hoped that players will have more to consider when approaching their strategy and luck. This will, in a sense, give more worth to the base gems.

Here is the current, tentative, idea for auras:

I won't lie. I looked into myth and beliefs surrounding the gems in various cultures for inspiration. But, ultimately, I just had to go with what felt right, given what currently exists within the map. I can't exactly go and make Amethysts help deal with drunkenness, for example. Another big help was the player Sesamia, who encouraged me to explore what I originally considered a crazy idea.

More Slates

It is planned to add more slates. Ideally, I would like to add an additional eight base slates, and by extension an additional four combination slates. This sounds like a lot, and it is. However, the hope is to implement them in such a fashion that they will help introduce and facilitate new strategies.

Slates are available very early in the game. This fact, in conjunction with the unique nature that many of the slates possess, should give players much to consider through the entire game.

More Combinations

Initially, I had decided against this. It would break the one recipe per gem guarantee that currently exists. However, it would greatly increase options in the early game, and there are not many good ways to do that.

Rework Experience #21

For the most part, the kill bonus system is unfinished. The question that remains is whether to continue with what has been implemented thus far or work towards something entirely different? That is still up in the air. I'll be honest. I'm tired of the existing kill bonus system.

Bonus for Multiples

Okay, I really like this idea. Basically, a bonus is introduced for each additional special of a particular type you have. Precedence for this behavior already exists with Ancient Slates. Their stunlock effectiveness basically increases for each additional one utilized. This idea has already been rolled out to a handful of structures in 1.5 and 1.6, and will continue to be done in the future.

nvs commented 5 years ago

This topic is locked. The issue is merely informative. Discussion should be taken elsewhere.