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Gem TD+: A Warcraft III Tower Defense
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Add way to make the critters for leaderboard standings stand out more #462

Open nvs opened 4 years ago

nvs commented 4 years ago

A quick idea would be using auras. But, essentially, SFX to make them stand out better.

On a somewhat related note, perhaps the answer also involves adding a stationary NPC to display leaderboard results. For example, some sort of record keeper with an ability for 1.5 Time results. Within, all ten players and their result would be listed.

nvs commented 4 years ago

Adding the Inner Fire crown is just a quick minor change to address this issue. The full change will involve adding stationary NPCs. One idea is having an ability that can be clicked by any player. This would clear a designated space near the NPC of critters, then move the leaderboard critters that match (e.g. 1.5 Time) into that space in the proper order. They would stay there for a while in their placement order, so people can look.

On the other hand, the fact that I was on the leaderboards in 1.5 kind of screws up this idea. The prizes were passed on to 4th place respectively, as I placed 2nd in both categories. Might seem a bit weird.